After a bit of browsing, i noticed, some people could get some sort of coverage radius on their maps, where they could see, what areas are covered in which directions, but i never found any way to install that for myself, or if i found something, it was always too old.
Are there any ways to have such map shown with an antenna coverage radius of some sort?
The first reply was exactly, what i was looking for, however there were no usable guide to install that.
With the second one, i installed that and i will probably see in around 24hrs, what my results are.
Real coverage or the theoretical coverage in your area?
the first one can be done via ModesMixer (what was mentioned already) or by running a VRS instance, there it looks like this (my local install, colors are adjustable)
If you want to have the max. range you can get as a static line, this is done by getting the json file from and implemented in your install.
There should be a howto here in the forum, if i only know where…
you mean the one i have posted? This is the result of now almost 2 months where VRS is running.
But i don’t know if all data is used or only the last xx days.
Oh, just realized you mean the map above. Sorry.
You could also feed to They provide a similar map shown in the receiver profile, but it resets once a day and it cannot be used locally.
I’ve always used Al’s overlay - mostly because of the range, but also because I like how it sorts Military - So here is another idea if someone wants to use: