Skyaware shows my old site position?

So, mission accomplished with my QRZ page, excellent.

With regards to the rest of it, here we go… I had actually already found that other article you linked, but, thank you nonetheless. I particularly enjoyed this part of that linked post:

I have since(my previous post) moved to a new location and updated/upgraded/restarted/rebooted the entire affair. I used the gear icon on the right side of the stats page that allows me to change various aspects of the piaware. While it already was using the location given to it by gpsd, I went ahead and switched to manual and used the popup map to very precisely relocate my map marker. I saved, rebooted, and waited, Essentially, I am facing the same scenario. Localhost PiAware/SkyAware shows correct location(it actually showed correct prior to all this, but I went through the motions anyway). But the My FlightAware - FlightAware map still shows the same location(roughly 70 miles west of SLC in the desert). I am not sure what to try next. Since I tend to tinker, I have clicked on just about everything possible to click on. I am on the same network as the RPi; about the only thing left I can think of is to VNC into the pi and log in from the browser on the pi, but I seriously doubt that is going to change anything.

Am still open to further suggestions or ideas. Or, if I didn’t pay close enough attention to something, critique.

Thanks for helping out thus far.
