Pretty funny, they show Santa in the middle east right now. From what we’ve seen, people who celebrate Christmas are hard to find in that part of the world. Hope he has anti-missile defenses on his sleigh.
Geez… I just paid you a compliment in another post and this is what I get? As far as the Santa picture I will compromise to say he appears to be in a Boeing. The CH-47 is a Chinook. The CH-46 is a SeaKnight. Given the source is a Marine Corp Mom’s website… I’ll go with a SeaKnight.
Story behind the photo: December 25, 2004
Official USMC Photo
Santa Claus joined the flying leathernecks of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 263 – the aviation combat element of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit on a CH-46 Sea Knight last night, bringing the gifts of democracy and a country free from fear to the children of Iraq.
I agree & the whole 45th Reserves Unit from OKC have been at Ft. Bliss training to go to Iraq - should have already been there but they got to come home for Christmas & straight to Iraq from here on 1-2-08.
45th Infantry Brigade (United States)
The 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Light) (Separate/Enhanced) is an infantry brigade combat team of the United States Army National Guard in Oklahoma.
The 45th was previously assigned to the 7th Infantry Division, but is now an independant unit. During World War II it was a unit of the regular United States Army, the 45th Infantry Division.
The history of the 45th Brigade Combat Team can be traced back to 1890 with the formation of the Militia of the Territory of Oklahoma. That militia fought in 1898 during the Spanish American War, and again later in 1916 the First Oklahoma Infantry Regiment fought in the Mexican Border Conflict. In 1917, the First Oklahoma Infantry Regiment fought in the final month of World War I.
Activated in 1924 as a National Guard Division in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Activated 16 September 1940 and participated in campaigns in Germany and Italy during World War II, one of four National Guard Divisions called to federal service during the war. The Division remained on active duty for over five years (511 days of combat) and engaged in eight campaigns and four amphibious assault landings. In 1950, they were again called to active duty during the Korean Conflict, and remained in combat for 429 days, fighting in four major campaigns.
In 1968, the division was disbanded and reorganized as a separate infantry brigade with two support groups. In 1997, the unit was selected as an Integrated Division enhanced brigade. It later became a part of the first Active Component/Reserve Component division. It is one of the three brigades that used to make up the 7th Infantry Division, until that division was deactivated in August 2006.
Since 2000, elements of the 45th Brigade Combat Team have seen deployments to Bosnia, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, and various homeland security missions.
In 2007, it was announced that the Brigade will make its biggest deployment, since World War II.
Yeah, that’s a known fact…and N1NP from my original “funny ha ha” posting belongs to a King Air 200 from the Nebraska Power District. Should I even ask if Saint Nick files IFR or is that a given? ; )