Recurring Photo Upload Problem

I can no longer upload photos.

Whether I try to upload multiple photos at once, or only one at a time, the results are the same: the scroll bar moves to the right and the message says “thumbnail created” but no thumbnail is ever created.

Normally thumbnails appear to the right, and you can enter a N-number before going to the photo itself. But those thumbnails never appear. And they don’t show up anywhere else either.

I’ve now tried this from different computers with the same results. I have cleared my browser cache multiple times. I’ve logged out and back in. I’ve even rebooted. No solution.

Very frustrating!

Windows Vista
Internet Explorer 8.0.6001

In very narrow windows, the thumbnails may be appearing below the upload queue – you would have to scroll down to see them. Is that the problem?

I will keep looking at this, but I have not been able to reproduce it myself. Could you please tell me what operating system and browsers you are using? That might help me.

Thanks, as always, for your feedback.

Another thing that would help me troubleshoot is knowing if the photos got uploaded, and you just were not shown a thumbnail by the uploader. If the photos are being uploaded, they would appear on the “Newest Photos” page:

No, the photos are never making it onto the site, despite a 'thumbnail created" message.

They don’t appear on the ‘newest’ page, and they are not found when searching by airport or registration.

I’ll provide screenshots if it would be helpful.

No, it doesn’t show up like that.

Windows Vista 6.0, Service Pack 1

Internet Explorer 8.0.6001