Reboot flighfeeder

after 24 hours my receiver no longer processes the positions received and has to restart. Since it has been provided to me, is it possible to fix the problem remotely?

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I don’t see any issues with your FlightFeeder at the moment, what’s the problem that you see?

does not process the positions, they do not appear on the track. Yesterday afternoon I restarted the receiver and it started working again.

Can you explain what track you are looking at? Is this the local display, or something else? Can you attach a screenshot?

I am attaching the local tracking right now, there are targets, immediately above my site, jumping positions, as if I am not receiving them.

I don’t see any obvious problems there. ADS-B is essentially line-of-sight, so it’s normal to lose reception of flights as they descend (below the horizon or behind local terrain / other obstructions). Are you looking at your local data or SkyAware Anywhere (via The local display will tend to have more frequent positions as it shows everything locally received, while SkyAware Anywhere shows only uploaded positions which are uploaded at a lower rate.

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