The reason I was asking, this Lear was one of the four bizjets caught up in the Comlux fire in Nov 2010
in Indianapolis IND. I had heard this Lear was trucked to Grand Junction but obviously they got it airbourne!!!
Two of the jets, Challenger N604JW and N881TW - both 604’s - N604JW was scrapped, N881TW apparently made
a flight in January - so either they didn’t have a buyer or it didn’t work out because it was scrapped as well.
The fourth jet was one of Comlux’s own airplanes - a Global Express that had been sold already!!, it was
HB-JEY it had been sold to an Australian company - but it was severely damaged in the fire and it’s still at
IND - it’s future yet to be decided.
As for N45TQ, it went to Grand Junction - but I believe it is now at Rantoul Kansas - aka Dobson (salvage).
After the fire, it was re-registered N46TK and registered to Speedbird LLC and was seen at KIND minus engines and
receiving major work.
Again it was re-registered N45TQ, flown to Grand Junction (for repairs?) on March 19 2012 - ownership was transferred
on March 22 2012 to IAL Corp. which I assume is a Dodson company - all aircraft registered to IAL are scrapped at
Rantoul, KS.
So they spent all that time putting it back into flight status only to be sold to the scrap yard!! Wow . . .