Piware Image and Wi-Fi

I have tried multiple times to get my network ssid and password to to save in the piware config. I have watched the video on how to do this on the flightaware webpage. And YouTube videos. And I still cannot get it to connect to my network. New to this ADSB stuff. So I’m not sure what I’m doing Wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Enclose inside quotes " ", like below

wireless-ssid “this is my ssid”
wireless-password “this is my wifi password”

Configure your wifi from the RPi command line using sudo raspi-config.

How do I configure the Wi-Fi through the RPi command line? I don’t know a lot about RPI. So I’m kind of lost. This is what comes up on my screen after I try to configure the Wi-Fi. Through the config

(1) Connect a Keyboard to RPi’s USB Port
(2) Type (or copy-paste) following and press Enter Key:

sudo raspi-config


I can do this with the piware image. Inserted into the RPI correct?

First connect a Keyboard to RPi’s USB port.
Next when you see the following screen, type the command sudo raspi-config and press Enter Key

Perhaps using the Alt key and the F2 key to bring up a command line login might be a good first step. Then the above commands via the command line will work.

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Yes you are 100% right. I missed this point.
@n4anz The steps should be:

(1) Connect Keboard & Monitor to RPi
(2) Insert microSD card in the RPi
(3) Power up RPi
(4) When the screen below shows, press Alt + F2 Keys to start commandline login
username: pi
password: flightaware


(5) After login, type
sudo raspi-config
and press Enter Key

(6) on the menu opened, select “Configure System Settings” and prtess Enter Key



(7) Display will change to " Wireless LAN Enter SSID and passphrase". Press Enter Key and set your WiFi



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How do I get out of the last screen after setting Wi-Fi?

Press Tab key so that <Back> or <Finish> at bottom-right is highlighted (becomes red), then press Enter Key.


Sorry I’m being such a pain. I hit enter key when finish was highlighted in red and nothing happens. Bottom left hand corner of the screen says pi@piaware that’s all that comes up.

That is normal after you finish Wifi configuration.

Just give following command to reboot,

sudo reboot

After reboot when the screen comes back again, press Alt and F2 keys, and login again as
User: pi
Password: flightaware

You will again see pi@piaware
Give following command to know your local ip address which will be listed under wlan0

ip a


I’m not seeing an IP address under the Wlano

Comments inside YELLOW rectangle (eth0) show that Network Wire from router iis NOT connected

Comments inside RED rectangle (wlan0) show that WiFi is NOT working



Type following command:

sudo nano /boot/piaware-config.txt

Above command will open file piaware-config.txt for editing. Scroll down till you see what is shown in screenshot below.



Remove whatever I have striked through by blue lines and type your actual WiFi SSID and WiFi password

Save file (Press Ctrl and O keys togather) and Close file (Press Ctrl and X keys togather)

REBOOT: sudo reboot

After reboot, login as user pi password flightaware

issue command: ip a
Take a screenshot and post herer.


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There are several possibilities why your WiFi is not getting activated

(1) You are using wrong ssid or wrong wifi password

(2) Your ssid or wifi password is multi-part with space between parts. For example instead of one continuous word lionking it is two part word with space between the two parts like lion king In such case you have to enclose it in quotes like this: "lion king"

(3) Instead of only letters and numbers, your ssid and/or password has special characters like # oor % or @ etc. In this case you have to add\ just before the special character. For example if your ssid or passsword is lion#king, then you have to enter it in piaware-config.txt file as lion\#king

(4) There may be some corruption in your OS. Download a fresh copy of piaware image and re-image the microSD card.

(5) If all above does not solve your WiFi issue, then most likely your RPi has defective WiFi module. Try a USB plugin wifi module.

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I’m not sure what’s going on with it either. But I did try it with ADS b exchange. I didn’t have any problems with connecting it to the Wi-Fi. And adsb exchange is up running. I might try it on a different SD card at some time in the near future, but for now. I would like to thank you For all your help.

I have a feeling he could have run into exactly what I did … the config file by default it not editable. Using the sudo command as you listed it does the job. The assumption that I see a lot is the expectation that we know Linux (some of us don’t). For example … using Nano it does not tell you this unless you put in the whole path.

I’m having some wifi issues too that sounds similar. I have 2 brand new Pi Zero-W setups that I’ve tried getting connected to family members’ networks, but haven’t been able to. The devices work and connect to my own wifi network no problem, but when I move it to their houses and update the SSID and password in the piaware-config file it won’t connect. I’m wondering if the Pi Zero devices don’t play nicely with newer cable company wifi routers/modems. Would entering the wifi info into the device with the command line steps listed further up this post function differently than just entering it into the piaware-config file? Should I get a USB wifi dongle and try that?