
Thank God that guy went to the basement! :open_mouth:

flightaware.com/live/flight/N930 ā€¦ /KHEF/KLKU

ā€œThe 1981 Cessna T303 Crusader had been filled with 148 gallons of fuel at the Louisa County Airport minutes before crashing about a quarter of a mile from the airport, Molnar said.ā€


ā€œPeters said witness accounts indicated that the planeā€™s engines quit.ā€

Another sad fueling error? Continental piston engines donā€™t like Jet-A!

Makes one wonder if the subject aircraft was fitted with Hoover rings.

I know itā€™s coincidental, but it seems like every crash recently has been a building strike! :confused:

Witnesses said ā€œthe wind caught itā€ and it just flipped over. If thatā€™s the case, it (hopefully) rules out any av-gas mixup, but Iā€™d think itā€™d also take quite the gust to just flip a twin over in flight like that too.

This crash hits ā€œclose to homeā€ - fairly local to my area. Havenā€™t heard anything about it yet (other than here) - Shooting of two police officers at a subway station is dominating the news here now.

The story is published today, but says the time was 12:34 pm when it happened - but my clock says 12:22 pm. Crash happened yesterday, I guess.

This was the flight INTO KLKU yesterday - not the crash flight. Crash happened about 10 minutes later - mustā€™ve just been a fuel stop - didnā€™t want to pay the extra dollar a gallon at KHEF.

Winds were a bit gusty at the time, but nothing a light twin couldnā€™t handleā€¦

METAR KLKU 041620Z AUTO 33011G18KT 10SM SCT050 08/M08 A2984 RMK AO2
METAR KLKU 041640Z AUTO 34008G15KT 311V041 10SM CLR 08/M08 A2984 RMK AO2
METAR KLKU 041700Z AUTO 33015G18KT 10SM CLR 09/M09 A2983 RMK AO2

Pilot Identified as 62-year-old Jay Youngquist. R.I.P.

Virginia State Police say 62-year-old Jay Youngquist of Reston, Virginia was the pilot who died in the plane crash. Family and friends of Restonā€™s northpoint community are in shock. Neighbors say he was one of the nicest people who would plow their streets during the snow storm and he loved to do yard work outside.

Very sadā€¦interesting to see what the autopsy report may reveal.

he loved to do yard work outside.

I love to do my yard work inside. :smiley:

Youā€™ve let me down damirossā€¦ You messed up a quoteā€¦ :cry:


No, I didnā€™t. Thatā€™s my story and Iā€™m sticking to it.

That statement ā€œLast edited by damiross on 05 Mar 2010 14:59; edited 1 time in totalā€ doesnā€™t mean anything. Itā€™s just an error put in by the forum software!

:slight_smile: :blush:

Digginā€™ your hole deeperā€¦ :slight_smile: