PiAware SkyAware page on my Pi, not loading

Howdy folks. Recently my PiAware appears to have auto-updated to 5.0.
Things went well for a few days. Today i noticed the three red bars on my
FlightAware-ADSB page, and i had an outage for 6 hours. This is common,
so i re-booted the Pi.

After a few minutes, my FlightAware-ADSB stats page was showing three
green bars. Great. But my local PiAware-SkyAware map would just start
loading, then the wheel kept spinning endlessly.

This is on my Pi4, Raspbian Buster, and i had installed the PiAware from
the command line.

Thanks for any help. Orrin in northeast California.

No sooner did i post the above, then my local PiAware SkyAware map
successfully loaded. I still would like to hear ideas on how this happened.

You’d need some log output (e.g. browser devtools, console output, logs from the Pi itself) captured at the time to have much chance of working out what happened. From the description I’d say “local network glitch that resolved itself”.

I had the exact same problem … SkyAware map refused to load … it always had previously … but now all I got was a spinning pinwheel. This occurred after auto-upgrade to PiAware 5.0 on a MacBook Pro with Big Sur and Safari 14.0.3. As it turns out, the problem was my content blocker (which I had not reconfigured in any way). I unblocked the internal network IP 10.0.0.xx:8080 and the map rendered as it should. Problem solved.

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