Just just build the pi feeder together and the status shows piaware is working and sending data to my flightaware account.
But going to ADS-B stats brings the message ‘No such ADS-B site’. What’s wrong?
Jun 26 13:26:32 pi5 sudo[1643]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Jun 26 13:26:32 pi5 piaware[1473]: ADS-B data program ‘dump1090-fa’ is listening on port 30005, so far so good
Jun 26 13:26:32 pi5 piaware[1473]: Starting faup1090: /usr/lib/piaware/helpers/faup1090 --net-bo-ipaddr localhost --net-bo-port 30005 --stdout
Jun 26 13:26:32 pi5 piaware[1473]: Started faup1090 (pid 1645) to connect to dump1090-fa
Jun 26 13:26:32 pi5 piaware[1473]: UAT support disabled by local configuration setting: uat-receiver-type
Jun 26 13:26:32 pi5 piaware[1473]: piaware received a message from dump1090-fa!
Jun 26 13:26:33 pi5 piaware[1473]: piaware has successfully sent several msgs to FlightAware!
Jun 26 13:27:03 pi5 piaware[1473]: 126 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa; 126 msgs sent to FlightAware
Jun 26 13:32:03 pi5 piaware[1473]: 761 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (635 in last 5m); 761 msgs sent to FlightAware
Jun 26 13:37:03 pi5 piaware[1473]: 1240 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (479 in last 5m); 1240 msgs sent to FlightAware
(1) What are outputs of following commands?
sudo journalctl -u piaware -b | grep site
sudo journalctl -u piaware -b | grep logged
(2) Brows following “how to”:
Have you claimed the site?
Step 7 here:
that’s exactly what I did! When I try to connect then I get a page with two Infos. First is that my station can’t be found but the IP is right.
And right next comes congrats that it is connected even showing the right wifi IP.
Waiting for more than 30 minutes and checking the stats page still comes back with no such station found.
Odd, when you look at the site it says it is unclaimed:
Statistics for sites feeding ADS-B flight tracking data to FlightAware. Sites, users, countries, regions, and teams are ranked by the number of aircraft reported.
@obj Any ideas?
Could it be that I registered my Flight aware account in the US where I live most of the year and the station now ìs in GMNY?
What are outputs of following commands?
sudo journalctl -u piaware -b | grep site
sudo journalctl -u piaware -b | grep logged
sudo journalctl -u piaware -b | grep feeder
(when posting output of last command, replace actual feeder id by xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks, trying to help. Got a mail from Flightaware support that that my station is connected now, and indeed it works. I haven’t changed anything on my side so apparently Flightaware fixed something I’m not aware off.