Photo Stealing in Progress

Thursday (03/24/2016) 10:59AM PDT
Your submitted photo has been removed: watermarked/copyrighted image. Thanks for submitting a photo, but please review the FlightAware Media License.

That note appeared when I logged into FA today. I haven’t posted many pictures, and I certainly took all of them myself.

Flightaware admins deleted my picture, sent me the note, and now cannot tell me what photo was the issue.

My assumption here is: someone copied my picture, posted it with their watermark, and then forced FA to delete mine.

There are many beautiful photos on FA, and I’m sure many dedicated photographers. But, some of the “dedicated” photographers seem to be thieves, too. I will be much more careful in the future.

If you do not watermark your shots, someone will steal it, and FA apparently cannot help.

I suspect that this notification may have been sent to you in error. We’ve been seeing sporadic issues with the notifications, and I wonder if this might be related.

One thing is for sure: I don’t see any photos on your account that have been removed by FA staff, hence why I think this is a false alarm.

Thank you for the response, and I apologize for the slight rant. :blush:

I had this SAME issue happen to me recently as well.

SEVERAL of my photos were deleted…