I’ve been having an intermittent problem logging in to flight aware’s site. The screen seems to freeze up and on the bottom of the page it states it’s trying to load something from “”. Pinging and trace routing the site usually ends in no connection with host site. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, so I don’t know where to look to fix it. Anyone else had this problem?

Do you use Mcafee software? A few weeks ago, Mcafee had an update to their virus software that caused a problem with the Google ads.

Do an update of the software and see what happens.

No Mcafee software. I’ve tried altering my security settings, cookies, etc. but haven’t had anything work yet. The puzzler is that some days it works just fine and other days it gets hung up (with my internet connection and other sites working just fine). Another thing I’ve noticed is that when I have this problem the google search doesn’t work either.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that when I have this problem the google search doesn’t work either.

That’s because they are coming from the same source.

Try one or both of the following:

Delete the cookies that contain “google” in them.

If you are using the Google toolbar, try uninstalling it, download a copy from Google, and reinstall it. Do the same thing for the Google desktop if installed.