Or maybe they diverted!
I think it was a medical diversion.
Occurrence Type: Incident Occurrence Date: 2008/05/26
Occurrence Time: 0821 Z Day Or Night: night-time
Fatalities: 0 Injuries: 0
Canadian Aerodrome ID: CYYR Aerodrome Name: Goose Bay
Occurrence Location: Goose Bay (CYYR) Province: Newfoundland and Labrador
Country: CANADA World Area: North America
Reported By: NAV CANADA AOR Number:
TSB Class Of Investigation: TSB Occurrence No.:
Event InformationDiversion
Medical emergency
Aircraft InformationFlight #: BAW84
Aircraft Category: Aeroplane Country of Registration: UNITED KINGDOM
Make: BOEING Model: 747 100
Year Built: Amateur Built: No
Engine Make: Engine Model:
Engine Type: Turbo fan Gear Type: Land
Phase of Flight: Cruise Damage: No Damage
Owner: Operator: BRITISH AIRWAYS (5430)
Operator Type: Commercial
Date: 2008/05/27
Further Action Required: No
O.P.I.: System Safety
Narrative: BAW84, Boeing 747-400, enroute from Vancouver (CYVR) to London (EGLL), declared a medical emergency and requested to divert to Goose Bay (CYYR). There was no traffic and the aircraft was cleared as requested. BAW84 arrived in Goose Bay at 09:38Z. Nil TSB.
Occurrence Type: Incident Occurrence Date: 2008/05/26
Occurrence Time: 0821 Z Day Or Night: night-time
Fatalities: 0 Injuries: 0
Canadian Aerodrome ID: CYYR Aerodrome Name: Goose Bay
Occurrence Location: Goose Bay (CYYR) Province: Newfoundland and Labrador
Country: CANADA World Area: North America
Make: BOEING Model: 747 100
Didn’t think anybody flew those anymore.
Hmmm (shrugs shoulders)[/quote]
It was a typo in the report. He got it right in the narrative.
It’s a 747-400.