I have a site that has been connected almost a year (Site 117510). I added a second site yesterday (Site 140133). Both feeders are showing statistics but did notice that site 140133 has a “x” in the mlat column but site 117510 is showing mlat. Is there anything I should be checking to make sure the new site is working as it should.
As an Amateur Extra amateur radio operator, I hate it when others have things I don’t. When I first got my setup going a week ago, I noticed the same thing.
It took a day or two for mine to sync up with the other stations in the area, I think last time I checked it was sync’d with over 107 other stations and is now green…
Yes, it was an issue of time. Both are working as advertised.
Did have to reload one of my PiAwares because I changed my wireless setup, so I shutdown one of my PiAwares, took the SDCard out and inserted into a linux laptop, changed the /boot file for the new wireless server/password. After putting the SDCard back in it would not boot.
Next time, will connect a monitor to the RaspberryPi and change the wireless password that way