FlightAware Feed (No Connection)

New - Was running for two hours with no issues, then for some reason, the FlightAware Feed and Mulitlateration will just turn red with an occasional amber / green and then back to red for most of the time. Wireless is working fine and the first two PiAware Feeder and 1090 Receiver is always green “normal”.

My User Stats page shows three red boxes for PiAware, FlightAware and MLAT.

Restarted it a few time, but the same issues.

Recommendation is greatly appreaciated. I hope I don’t have a bad unit.

Can you enter the commands below on the command line to see get a better idea of what’s going on?

piaware-status - shows you the status of all the FlightAware related programs

tail -f /var/log/piaware.log - examines the piaware logs

Took a snap picture of the two commands.

Thank you for your time and assistance.


For the heck of it, I decided to place a LAN connection to my pi with the wireless on and I have all green lights. Not sure why I’m having issues that might be wifi related even though it shows wlan0 up GREEN.

Thoughts and recommendations?


Just noticed that on my status page, under site information - MLAT is green but if you scroll down, under nearby sites, my site has a red X for MLAT? Reason for that?

are you able to connect to any other sites with your setup?

you are showing now with synchronised to 30 others on MLAT, it can take a while to have enough neighbours, usually that’s the case in rural areas

Looks like everythings is working well now. Thank you for helping.

Looks like everything is falling into place nicely now. Thank you for your input and assistance.

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