For some reason the new Beta maps do not show any aircraft.
All of the ‘beta maps’ are now available (and working!) on the production site.
The beta site ran out of disk space and that crashed the trackstream server. It’s all been restored now.
Users of the beta site should, however, discontinue that because, as Mark said, the map technology that has been on the beta site is now in production on the main site,
I noticed that the Origin/Destination arpt identifiers aren not shown at the bottom of the aircraft data blocks on the production live tracking maps. They do still show up on the beta maps.
Will this feature eventually be on the production maps? I’ve found that it is a very handy feature.
Please note which map when reporting a bug.
The fleet maps, type maps, and flight finder maps, and airport maps have origin/destination.
edit: Found it, airport bigmaps don’t have the origin/destination.
1755 cst (0055Z) Saturday new maps are back on beta (regular site working, but with old maps). Jan / CID
The regular site has all ‘new’ maps, except for the airport bigmap.
One thing I noticed right away was the very small number of plane icons that now show up on the Airport maps. What happened to all those flights? I understand that addition of the airport codes to the data boxes( an idea I like) has increased the amount of space that they take up on the map but it just seems to me that there are far fewer flight icons than before. I don’t see this as a problem, just curious.
The new airport maps automatically zoom in to reduce clutter. For the small maps that are contained within airport pages, the software will attempt to zoom in until 60 or fewer planes are shown. For the larger maps, 100.
You can see when this is happening by looking at the scale widget in the lower left hand corner of the map.