Need help updating to from 6.1 to 7.1

balena is broken and often shows errors.

use the raspberry pi imager.

I tried on 2 different computers. Downloaded the file and write program over on each one. The SD card is or at least was a good working unit. I got the exact same result on both.

I’m sorry but I don’t know what you mean regarding use Raspberry Pi imager?

Raspberry Pi OS – Raspberry Pi

For writing the the image to the sd-card. Use raspberry pi imager (dowload it above).

Got ya.
Should I use this image PiAware Image on Raspbian Linux 7.2 ZIP
Should I use the image that the Raspberry Pi imager makes available as a port of Debian Bullseye with the Raspberry Pi desktop

you want to use the piaware image don’t you, then use that.
i was saying balena doesn’t work properly (a software for writing images), never said anything about a problem with the image.

it’s also perfectly viable to start with raspbian but it’s a couple more steps: Raspbian Lite: ADS B receiver · wiedehopf/adsb-wiki Wiki · GitHub

Thank you everyone for your replies and help. I believe I have success…

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