Just curious, the Skyview map is quite fascinating BUT if I view adsbexchange or flightradar24 I get more info on the flight.
I’m getting used to the fact that a Boeing 777 might be shown as B778 but it would be nice to know actual departure airport or at least destination.
Am I missing something, is there a way to get this without going through the flight search procedures on the Flightaware site?
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Skyview only displays information that is available directly from data received over the air via Mode S/ADS-B (plus registration data from the static database distributed with the PiAware software). For additional information such as routes for commercial flights you should consult
To clarify, while the information you mentioned is not directly displayed in Skyview, please note that there is a direct link to the flight page on FlightAware for every flight shown in Skyview. You can click on the Ident in the data table or click on the FlightAware link when viewing the flight detail pop-up pane.
Thank you for reply - if I click on the ident in the data panel it just brings up a window, there is there another link the flightaware that brings up flight details. Fine on a large screen but awkward on a portable device.
Never mind, having fun, would just be nice to view easily like flightradar24 on a portable device.