Mode-S beast receiver possibly not working with dump1090-fa

Hi guys. I’m facing problems with my PiAware setup… I have a RPi 3 B with Mode-S Beast Receiver (FlightAware kit)… I’ve installed Raspbian Buster OS and then followed the instructions of PiAware and dump1090-fa installation… after reboot it seems that dump1090 is not detecting receiver at all, but lsusb shows it (Cygnal Integrated *bla *bla *bla)… I can open local SkyView, even can detect my feeder in my account (PiAware-Green, FlightAware-Green MLAT-Red)… so it seems that dump1090 not even receiving messages from beast… here is the sudo piaware -status

PiAware master process (piaware) is running with pid 1477.
PiAware ADS-B client (faup1090) is not running.
PiAware ADS-B UAT client (faup978) is not running (disabled by configuration settings)
PiAware mlat client (fa-mlat-client) is not running.
Local ADS-B receiver (beast-splitter) is not running.

no program appears to be listening for ES connections on port 30005.
faup1090 is NOT connected to the ADS-B receiver.
piaware is connected to FlightAware.

got ‘couldn’t open socket: connection refused’
the Mode-S Beast serial port is NOT producing data on localhost:30005.

Your feeder ID is confidential (configured at /etc/piaware.conf:9)

Any suggestions??

This is a FlightFeeder and needs to run the FlightFeeder software image, not Raspbian. Please mail to get this up and running again.


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