I spent a few hours yesterday getting started with a Raspeberry Pi based station, everything seemed to go well and based on the stats page I’m up and running and getting both position reports and MLAT spots (excuse the embarrassingly short range, it’s in a bedroom window with a test antenna for now, much to the annoyance of my wife ) http://flightaware.com/adsb/stats/user/AviatorPenguin
I wouldn’t have thought anything wrong, but on expanding the log window, I see a continuous stream of the following message:
Which version of software are you using? the FA SD card or something else. Which version of dump1090 are you using?
Maybe add which log file you are posting in the future.
Edit /etc/default/dump1090-mutability and change the beast port to 30104
Port to listen on for Beast-format input connections. 0 disables.
Then restart dump and check the logs
sudo service dump1090-mutability restart
If it already has this setting then dump1090 is not running for some reason. Try rebooting the RPI.
I just looked at your stats and MLAT is/was working for you. flightaware.com/adsb/stats/user/AviatorPenguin
Feeder Type: PiAware (Debian Package Add-on) 2.1-5
Multilateration (MLAT): Supported / Enabled (synchronized with 37 nearby receivers)
You could try a remote reboot(from the website) but it seems to be working.
Aviator Penguin, You know Penguins don’t fly(in the air) (except maybe if they are cartoon characters from Madagascar)
I think the error refers to the piaware app connecting to dump1090 for info.
It is local to the RPI so should not be affected by your router or NAT.
Most people have a NAT router at home. Systems are usually designed to work with it(until we go IPV6 where inbound connections are easier to work with and NATing is heavily discouraged).