Messages per second far different between SkyAware Anywhere and local SkyAware

Hey everyone! I’m trying to figure out if what I’m seeing is normal or not, so I’m really curious if others are seeing this same behavior.

When I use the local “PiAware SkyAware” interface by connecting directly to my Pi I see large numbers of messages per second received. Usually 500-600/second during the day.

When I bring up the online version of “SkyAware Anywhere” I only see around 2.0 messages per second.

The local version updates the map very quickly for each plane and I see them moving fluidly. Likewise the age column stays near zero for most planes. The online version slowly updates planes one-at-a-time and the ages can reach over 30 seconds before updating.

I also feed several other sites, and as a comparison ADS-B Exchange’s online stats shows around 160 messages per second around the same time frame. Other sites show decently large stats as well, so I don’t believe it is a network issue.

On the left is the online version; on the right is the local version. This screenshot shows them side-by-side at the same time.

How does this compare for everyone else? Is this normal? Does FlightAware throttle the messages received from PiAware, or is there something wrong?


I am exhibiting similar behavior at the moment - localSkyAware = 500 message/sec vs. SA-Anywhere = 24 msg/sec.

The plane count for SA-Anywhere is also lower, but only by a bit … actually now that I look again, i see it matches one of my two sites, but the one with fewer planes reported.

I’ve not looked at this comparison before,so I don’t know if it’s normal or not.

They’re counting different things. Skyaware Anywhere consumes the data uploaded by piaware; piaware uploads summarized reports, not every message received. (It’s the same reason that the “position report” stats won’t match the actual number of position messages received)

That is normal because the values are processed completely different also to limit the used bandwidth

If you want the same numbers, feed to ADSBExchange, they are offering a “live” map accessible from outside.

I’m also showing similar results. Not sure how FlightAware handles translating the data input from the PiAware Receiver into visible results returned in SkyAware Anywhere, but I frequently see <1 message per second on SkyAware Anywhere with a local message rate of 60/s (or more).

I suspect it’s like others have already said: FlightAware is trying to limit their upload bandwidth usage or processes the data very differently when returning it via SkyAware Anywhere and is reporting a completely different type of ‘message’ (Notice: SkyAware Anywhere lists “Messages: X.X/sec” vs the local’s “ADS-B Message Rate: XXX.X/sec”.

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