Mesa pilot steals iPod from passenger at security … o&psp=news

Dude claimed, “It was just going to get confiscated by security anyway.”
Yeah, nice try buddy.

A TSA agent showed the office a tape of an airline pilot placing a container, used to hold passenger’s personal items during screening, over another container, then removing an item from the lower container, the report said.

Sounds like a pro. Think this was his first time doing this?

I sure hope this dill-hole gets/got fired.

But because his flight was 15 minutes late, police allowed him to continue on, the report said.

They should’ve arrested his ass and thrown him in jail right then!

Over an Ipod??? :confused:

Me thinks Cfijames hit the nail on the head for the solution.

He won’t get another airliner job after that mark of stupidity just for the lack of references.