Good evening,
Current Aircraft Reported Statistics for my site, SkyHighPi Site number 20427, show no aircraft for 7 May 2017. However, the Hourly Received reports indicate multiple reports and aircraft. Unable to locate any issue at this end.
Any indication on how this occured would be appreciated.
Same here. Looks like another data error.
It feels like this is becoming a recurring problem for some users.
We’ve implemented additional logging on the stats processing system to diagnose this. We are digging into further this week.
Hi Simtra and Eric,
Eric, thanks for the follow up - looking forward to seeing the outcome of you investigations.
Simtra, looked at your stats and it replicates my experience - good to know I am not alone - thanks for posting.
We have a identified an edge case where the stats can get dropped inadvertently. Thanks for all of the reported examples. We are making some changes now to eliminate the bug. We will be testing internally to validate that this addresses the issue we see and then roll that out to production. I expect this will be addressed in production in the next few days. Thanks for your patience.
Wondering how the testing is going - still notice 7 May is a lost day as mentioned in my original post.
This issue has been resolved on a go-forward basis. Please see the updates in this thread: post207063.html#p207063
At this time we are not planning to fill-in the missing historical holes because of the complexity involved in doing that and the risk of causing other problems. We apologize for the inconvenience and as noted on the other thread we believe this particular issue is resolved for future stats calculations.
Thanks. Will monitor post 207063.html#p207063 for any other instances/responses.