Looking for information....

Hello everyone-
I’m a student that has to put together as much info, preferably all from one source, on the science of aviation. If anyone has any resources, it would be much appreciated.

There are likely many interpretations of what the “science of aviation” is. If you are speaking in engineering terms, how the airplane flies and what influences airplane desing, then a good starting point would be to read up on some basic aerodynamics. You may want to look at the following website.
Don’t be put off by all the math. You don’t need to know how to mathematically calculate everything to get a general understanding of the theory. You may also want to check out Boeing’s website. Just navigate around. They have a lot of good technical and non-technical information about commercial airplanes. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

There are likely many interpretations of what the “science of aviation” is. If you are speaking in engineering terms, how the airplane flies and what influences airplane desing, then a good starting point would be to read up on some basic aerodynamics. You may want to look at the following website.

Thank you for the site. That will be helpful. Unfortunately I have not been able to find just a huge long article of reference to aerodynamics and how planes fly. I was hoping to find a nice long pdf. But I will get whatever I can right now. Thank you.[/quote]

Maybe these could help…



I saw those as well. Thank you.

What is the actual assignment? and what is your goal for the assignment…besides a high score…what is it you specifically want to address?

Well I’m a graphic Design student and I have to design a book about survival and/or science. So I went with the Science of Flying. So I’m trying to get a nice long pdf about the science of flight and aviation in order to use as the text of the book. The book is mostly text and has to be 60 or more pages long. I was going to include information about how humans now rely on flying for survival and I was going to use statistics and graphs which I found on this sight, to show how many use planes to travel daily. Maybe use some statistics as well about how many people are flying again since 2001. I want to make it as interesting as possible, so the more information the better.

To me, most of the real science of flying has to do with aerodynamics and propulsion (and I’m stretching the definition of science a bit to include engineering). You could also include space exploration and things like satellite navigation (GPS) under that title. At 60 pages in length, you can cover a lot of topics.

If you want to have some fun with a topic, spend some time exploring gravity (which is basically what you need to overcome with lift in order to fly). That is still one of the great mysteries of science: where does gravity come from, how does gravity integrate into the unified theory that Einstein said should exist, etc.

Ooooo. Great thank you so much. I will go into these topics as well. Thank you all for you help.

If you have any other ideas please let me know. I will take all the ideas I can get.

:bulb: Check out Bernoulli’s principle. :bulb:

Check out Bernoulli’s principle.

That’s where I would begin

Looking through what you want, it sounds like you need to make sure what you get is either not copyrighted or you get permission of the author. Taking someone else’s work and putting it into your own book is called plagiarism.

For a student work, you don’t need permission of the author, but do need to cite your references.

I could be off base here…but I get the impression that as this is a graphic design assignment, that the content of the book isn’t as important as having a sufficient amount and variety of subject matter put together to create the palette for the design of the book.

Research is plagiarism???

Using somebody else’s material verbatim, as it seems like this person wants to do, is plagiarism. I don’t think there’s anything in the copyright law that says if a person is a student then the material can be used verbatim.

As long as you cite the source of the information you quote, it is NOT plagiarism. Dami, don’t be so quick to call people wrong when you are, in fact, the one who is wrong.

Many copyrighted materials have wording similar to this:

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

JessieB7 says

So I’m trying to get a nice long pdf about the science of flight and aviation in order to use as the text of the book.

Clearly this person wants to use more than just a brief quotation in the material he or she preparing.

No, I’m not wrong. She or he does not want to use a quote but the entire PDF. That’s not acceptable unless written permission is obtain.

Do you have something to back this statement???

What determines what length that is acceptable or not. two words, two sentences, maybe 30 paragraphs, 4 pages?

Like to see your source of what is acceptable or not.

If you are bold enough to already charge somebody with plagarism BEFORE they even finish their research, then at least provide your sources of reference.

Dang Dami, they haven’t even wrote their article and you convict him / her.


Can’t get much clearer then what the person said:

So I’m trying to get a nice long pdf about the science of flight and aviation in order to use as the text of the book*(emphasis mine)*.

It doesn’t sound like he/she wants to use “two words, two sentences, maybe 30 paragraphs, 4 pages.”