Leaving you mark(s) on the runway.

High and fast, you’re gonna crash! I just made that up.


That would be more like “Leaving your mark(s) on the runway and in your pants”

“Trails in the Sand” by

Looks like that runway is on a pretty steep decline as well. I bet he is really unhappy this video exists.

You need to do it much LOWER and SLOWER…

I like what the guy taping says: “That kinda blows”

But he put it right on the center line!

HAHA- Good one frank. I figured that you know, when you touch down on the last 1/8th of a 1100ft rwy at say 80kts. you’ll have plenty of room to stop. Thank god they put that beach at the end of the Rwy JUST IN CASE!

I use to land on a 1600ft snow covered rwy in AK in a PA-31 at 5500lbs. I use to practice what I called “target practice”. 75kts about a mile out and just pick my spot about 100ft short of the Rwy.

On a cool note I landed at TLPC (St. Lucia) yesterday. had to expedite the approach cause there was a cruse ship leaving the bay that gets in the way of the RWY. If I go back I’ll take some pictures of the approach.

here is an Idea of what I’m talking about- http://online.simmarket.com/fsbrasil/tlpc/tlpc_002.jpg

I get this.


You don't have permission to access /fsbrasil/tlpc/tlpc_002.jpg on this server.

i’ll look for another picture

Is that in eastern Kansas?

Nope- West Indies.
Taking off on 9 is a downhill run into terrain. It was fun in the jet to make a turn as soon as I lifted off!

what kind of jet?

Oh, it’s a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it looks like a big Tylenol.

I’ll just leave this here…


“Whaddya make of this thread Johnny?”

Any commercial operator who flies into St Barth’s has to get an endorsement from a local instructor before doing commerical flights into SBH. The first guy out of the Aztec appears to be wearing black pants a white pilot shirt, so there’s a good chance that it’s some kind of 135 operator. Needless to say, he should’ve known better.

Anyone else scream at their computer while watching that video? " Go around… Dude, Go around…GO AROUND!..Stupid pilot…"

Could have been John Travolta :wink: