Last DL DC-9-50 trip

I received the following information tonight from an inside source and wanted to share it with others. Flights are loaded into the DL reservation system, however, at obscenely high buckets. I wanted to do the trip, but certainly can’t afford this; hopefully there are members on here with tons of miles or a nice credit limit on their Delta Amex that can take advantage of this opportunity

Last Delta DC-9-50 trips, 06 January 2014:

Flight 1965 (year of 1st flight), KDTW-KMSP, morning

Flight 2014 (year of last flight) KMSP-KATL, late PM

I’m going to try to get down to KATL for the landing.


Cool of Delta to number the flights like that,

the plane on the 6th scheduled to fly:

DL 2012 … ATL-ORD … 0725 0828
DL 1813 … ORD-DTW … 0908 1129
DL 1965 … DTW-MSP … 1215 1315
DL 2014 … MSP-ATL … 1620 1946

And one DC9-50, N767NC will be saved and sent to the Delta Museum.

Photo Courtesy of FlightAware.com

Yea, I really wish I could be on the flight(s) but like I said in my first post, they put it in insanely high buckets. Oh well.

If anyone takes the last trip, please post pictures! I’m assuming they’ll do a water cannon salute upon arrival at ATL, if not MSP and DTW (weather permitting of course).

Press release now on DL’s website…

One less classy lady in the air. She’ll certainly be missed!

Yes they were great, miss doing the powerbacks when flying on NW.
They soldiered on a couple weeks after the official retirement,
this is the actual last DC-9 revenue flight and was flown by N779NC: … /KVPS/KATL

Most of the rest will be scrapped at Blytheville, AR except:

N779NC to Carolinas Aviation Museum, Charlotte, NC
N782NC to Northland Community & Technical College, Thief River Falls, MN
N675MC to Delta Heritage Museum, Atlanta, GA

I wonder if either of the museum examples will be repainted into North Central, Republic, or Northwest colors.