Issues claiming a new receiver

Please excuse my absolute ignorance here, I am new to ADS-B, but not new to linux/etc.

I have walked through all the steps to claim my receiver, but unfortunately it does not seem to ever show up on the web interface. I have:

  • Run the piaware process (many, many times) output follows
    Waited 10-20 minutes on multiple tries
    Ensured that the server can see the device (via lsusb)
    Ensured I am logged in from the same IP address
    Rebooted the machine
    Tried a different USB port

When I navigate to the web interface, it already shows a map located in a city in Italy, which leads me to believe my receiver was already claimed by another account. I would expect the web interface to show the “unclaimed” status and link me to claim my device.

Output from the process:
Connecting to FlightAware adept server at
Connection with adept server at established
TLS handshake with adept server at completed
FlightAware server certificate validated
encrypted session established with FlightAware
logged in to FlightAware as user guest
my feeder ID is ****** (this changes every time)
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 3 seconds, next check in 60s
UAT support disabled by local configuration setting: uat-receiver-type
0 msgs recv’d from dump1090; 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 63 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 123 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 183 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 243 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 303 seconds, next check in 60s
0 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 363 seconds, trying to start it…
attempting to start dump1090…
can’t start dump1090, no services that look like dump1090 found
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 10 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 70 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 130 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 190 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 250 seconds, next check in 60s
0 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 310 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 370 seconds, trying to start it…
attempting to start dump1090…
can’t start dump1090, no services that look like dump1090 found
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 10 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 70 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 130 seconds, next check in 60s
no ADS-B data program seen listening on port 30005 for 190 seconds, next check in 60s
0 msgs recv’d from dump1090 (0 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware

Any help is greatly appreciated! I am really confused why the web interface thinks I’m located in Italy (I am in the US).

Thanks all!

Are you logged in to the Flightaware website and have your “site information” showing on the web page? What is your nearest airport showing up as? How about the longitude and latitude settings for your site?

Now I see in your typing that you are logged in as “guest”. Did you not register a flightaware account for yourself? Can’t imagine how you would proceed as “guest”.

Try this from the piaware web page :wink:

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That’s a default / fall-back location - quite normal.
Try zooming out and finding your location - flights will be there if your system is working.

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I am having the same issue when running docker on unRAID. After 5+ minutes, I do not get a device when visiting PiAware - Claim and Link a Brand New PiAware Ground Station - FlightAware.

You can manually claim a feeder id:

You don’t have an ADS-B decoder running.
Install dump1090-fa or readsb.

Which webinterface?

Check the logs, get the feeder-id, claim it manually:

thank you!! I appreciate the quick response.