Hmmm - didn’t work, something about didn’t detect a dump1090 (been running FA dump1090 & 978). I tried a sudo reboot and now the raspi won’t connect back to wifi. I guess I’ll have to start over from scratch (fresh piaware install).
But it should still boot, no clue what’s going on.
Maybe it got a different IP address for an unrelated reason?
Is it still showing logs on your stats page?
I didn’t get any prompts - the first time I tried to run the sudo bash line it failed, something about it couldn’t find a directory. I then copied the sudo bash line directly from the FR24 site and the install processed further but ended with a raspi prompt.
Plan now to remove the SD card and install a fresh image of piaware, re-claim the same 2 station IDs (for 1090 & 978), install adsbexchange feed, and install graphs package - that should get me back to my pre-FR24 attempt.
It doesn’t make too much difference in practice. The main obvious difference is that on the piaware image, the dump1090-fa configuration is done through piaware, whereas with an installation on raspbian you can edit it directly. The end result is a similarly working system, so it’s really personal preference.
Any other feeders I should consider adding other than FA, ADSBx, and FR24? I guess if I don’t use any other flight tracking apps, there’s no need to feed other sites - trying to keep it simple and reduce the risk of additional install hassles.
In addition to those I also feed planefinder, opensky-network, radarbox24 and 360radar (a uk based mlat network). I haven’t had any issues with them interfering with each other. They all just use the existing dump1090-fa instance to get data from and do their own thing. Resource usage is pretty minimal for each one.
That’s what I thought since 978 is US-only and GA aircraft like Cessna 172’s.
I have another dual-tuner ADS-B box, I’m guessing it would be easier to backup and copy that image to another SD card and edit the FA station ID info than to start from scratch, right?