Hi - I have PiAware running and it is feeding flightaware nicely, however when I go to my local IP:8080 I get nothing. I have run ‘netstat -an |grep 8080’ on my raspberry Pi and the Pi is NOT listening on that port. I run fr24feed on the same pi and it works fine.
Is there a config file or some setting I need to change to make it work?
Port 8080 is provided by lighttpd on an unmodified PiAware sdcard image. You’ll need to investigate why it’s not running correctly on your system (look at journalctl -u lighttpd as a start)
The standard PiAware sdcard image does not require any configuration changes to listen on port 8080, so I still don’t know what you started from and what you changed.
HI I can tell you exactly how I installed it according to the instructions on the flightaware site. I installed piaware only as I already run fr24feed. These are the exact instructions I followed:
Download and install the PiAware repository package, which tells your Pi’s package manager (apt) how to find FlightAware’s software packages in addition to the packages provided by Raspbian.
For Raspberry Pis running on Raspbian Buster OS , execute the following commands from the command line:
For Raspberry Pis running on Raspbian Stretch OS , click here
This will download and install PiAware and required dependencies on your Raspberry Pi.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install piaware
This will enable automatic and manual (web-based, via your request) PiAware software updates. These updates are disabled by default. To leave updates disabled, skip this step.
I also suggest that is better to install fresh the piaware package (that includes the dump1090-fa decoder) and after that install the fr24feed.
The process is described here or on fr24 forums.
Or use Widenhopf package if you like. I use many of his Github creations.
So you are not using the Piaware image we are all talking about. That makes the difference.
Trying to use the packages on a FR24 image will not work as described by @wiedehopf
FR24 image is Raspbian Buster with dump1090-mutability and fr24feed pre-installed. Using piaware package on any debian/raspbian based image works fine, but you may not get map at 8080, and the radio status page of piaware sd card image will not be there.
The map is available at