Another option is first to set a fixed IP on IPv4 and after that to disable IPv6 on the rapsberry Pi itself.
Router can prefer IPv6 over IPv4 depending on make or model.
Step 1
First check if the IPv6 is active:
Type the command “ifconfig”
This command will display the current network settings.
It wil show the the following items:
Eth0 or the adapter name
lo ( local interface)
If there is a WLAN present it will show as
Step 2
it is a good idea to make a backup of the dhcpdc.conf file if you are new to linux:
sudo cp /etc/dhcpcd.conf /etc/dhcdcp.backup
This will allow you to roll back any changes you make.
Step 3
To edit the network setting you must edit the dhcpcd.conf file to set up a static IP address.
The following command can be used to load the file into an editor update the file:
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Place these lines at the top of the file too set the Ethernet port (eth0) to a static IP address:
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=
Set the address (ip_address) to the IP address you want the Raspberry Pi to occupy.
Set the routers value to the gateway address
If available, set to domain_name_servers to you name servers
Once the file has been updated, use ctrl x to save and exit.
Step 4
Once the dhcpcd file has been updated, you must restart the Raspberry Pi for the changes to take effect.
Used to following command to restart:
sudo reboot
Step 5
Use the “ping” command to confirm that the Raspberry Pi is on the network and talking to another computer also on the network.
If you have trouble pinging other computers on the network work, check the following:
- Confirm that the ethernet cable is firmly connected to the Raspberry Pi and network switch.
- Confirm that the ip address, mask and gateway are correct.
- If pinging a Windows machine, sometimes security setting prevent responding to a ping request.
This sets you up with a fixed IPv4 adress.
If you want to disable the IPv6 stack on the raspberry Pi then look at this page with a few methods you can use.
If this is to complicated for you you will have to supply make and model of the router so we can look if there is a way to disable IPv6.