How to backup and restore FlightAware and FlightRadr Config on Rasberry pi

I need to rebuild by Raspberry pi. I would like to know how to back up and restore current configuration


(1) One way is to make clone of microSD card (please see above post of @jaymot).

(2) Another way is to copy-paste from current installation all your config in a text editor (like notepad) on your PC, then using a spare microSD card, write latest OS image (Raspian or Piaware, or Pi24) and install latest versions of all feeders. Please see following guide:

Re-imaging Made Easy


For Linux I like Clonezilla.

The best and easiest software to make clone on a Windows computer is Win32DiskImager. It will require the Pi to shut down for say 15 to 20 minutes while backup is being made. Slip out microSD card from RPi, and plug into Windows computer using a card reader, and run Win32DiskImager to mack a backup image on Windows computer.

If someone decides there is the requirement for a full rebuild, normally it won’t help to clone the SD card. This will also copy the faults which are the root cause of the reason behind it.

In case you start from scratch, you can simply reinstall the Operating system, reinstall the feeders and copy over the previously backed up config files. In the case above these are the three files piaware.conf, dump1090-fa and fr24feed.ini which all reside in the /etc folder

Only if you have other things running on your device as well, you need to consider this

That is exactly what I meant when I suggested in my first reply above to go to following Howto:

Re-imaging Made Easy



In my case there shouldn’t have been any faults on the SD card because I haven’t had the Pi and card for a month yet. I wanted a back-up image of it with PiAware (installed from the image) because I was thinking about redoing the card with a full installation of Raspbian/PiOS or a similar distro for ARM processors, installing PiAware and Dump1090-fa from packages, setting up a way to access the PiOS’s GUI desktop from my PC, etc. and wanted to put everything back to the way it was just in case something didn’t work. I’ve since decided just to get another SD card.

Also, I use MX Linux on my desktop and that distro comes with the MX Snapshot utility that creates an ISO of the installed system which can then be burned to a USB stick for easy recovery of the system via a reinstallation, and I’ve gotten in the habit of both making said snapshot and burning it to USB, plus backing up my home and data directories to an external drive, once a week. I thought that doing something similar on the Pi would be a good idea.

I use Raspberry Pi OS with desktop to provide a GUI and then use the usual package install.

Remote access to the desktop using VNC Viewer from RealVNC

Easy to set up and reliable.


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