How to add Flightaware feeder if I already have FR24?

I built my own raspberry pi feeder and set it up on FR24. How can I add flightaware as well?

Which image you wrote to microSD card, Flightradar24’s Pi24, or Raspberry Pi OS, or something else?

I used Pi24

I can redo with a more general one if necessary, just don’t know what it is

Yes, a general one is the best option for feeding multiple sites.

For general one, use Raspberry Pi OS Lite, latest version Bookworm.

Use Raspberry Pi Imager to write the Raspberry Pi OS Lite image Bookworm.

Guide for how to use Raspberry Pi Imager:

After writing image, first install piaware & dump1090-fa by method given on following page

Use following four items on above page:

3-Download and Install PiAware
4-Download and Install dump1090-fa
6-Reboot your Pi
7-Claim your PiAware client on FlightAware .com

IMPORTANT: Make sure that dump1090-fa is installed before you attempt to install Flightradar24 feeder using the command given below

Copy-paste following commaand in Terminal or PuTTY

wget -qO- | sudo bash -s

During installation, you will be asked to enter email, sharing key (if you already have one) or latitude, longitude altitude etc.

At end it will ask following question. Type yes to answer

Would you like default configuration? (*yes*/no)$: yes

When Installation completes, issue following commands

sudo systemctl enable fr24feed

sudo systemctl restart fr24feed