Hello Dogrock
Thank you for answering my question.
First: After reading question, I found that faFlightId of our both’s answer were different. So, I think you/I have used wrong flight, can you correct it? who’s faFlightID is correct?
Second: As per explanation of @bovineone in link: Please explain about filed_ete, filed_departuretime and esti
filed_ete is the estimated time enroute at the time the flight plan was filed(duration of time required to flight).
Let’s fill value in your equation from my API’s response and see result:
( estimatedarrivaltime - filed_ete )
= 1574611500 - 00:55:00
= Sunday, November 24, 2019 9:35:00 PM IST - 00:55:00
= November 24, 2019, 08:40:00 PM
In my API response: actualdeparturetime=0
But my question, Flight is not depart yet and still it has delay, we need to know those time difference from API, how can we know that using API? Web-page shows those information, so my thought: API must have those information. How can we pull those information by API?
Thank you.