How can we identify that flight is late while departure

Hello there

This flight is late about 4hour and 18 min while departure from Airport. How can we know that time using API. Here are flightinfoex API’s response:

"originName":"Chatrapati Shivaji Int'l",
"destinationName":"Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Int'l / Sonegaon Air Force Base",

How to calculate delay while departure?

Here is screenshot for late information:

That web page is not the API he asked about…

Hello SoNic

API didn’t provide those data? We need those data from API. My question is, how to get those data using API. Webpage shows which data, we need.

Here is the FlightInfoEX response that matches the flight from the screenshot:

    "FlightInfoExResult": {
        "next_offset": -1,
        "flights": [
                "faFlightID": "IGO5377-1574228730-airline-0333",
                "ident": "IGO5377",
                "aircrafttype": "A320",
                "filed_ete": "01:05:00",
                "filed_time": 1574451869,
                "filed_departuretime": 1574435400,
                "filed_airspeed_kts": 403,
                "filed_airspeed_mach": "",
                "filed_altitude": 0,
                "route": "",
                "actualdeparturetime": 1574451907,
                "estimatedarrivaltime": 1574455740,
                "actualarrivaltime": 1574455740,
                "diverted": "",
                "origin": "VABB",
                "destination": "VANP",
                "originName": "Chatrapati Shivaji Int'l",
                "originCity": "Mumbai",
                "destinationName": "Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Int'l / Sonegaon Air Force Base",
                "destinationCity": "Nagpur"

The FAQ indicates how to interpret various fields returned in a the FlightInfoEx response. The estimated departure time can be determined as the difference of (estimatedarrivaltime - filed_ete). If the estimated departure time before actual departure is notably later (greater than 15 minutes) than filed_departuretime then a delay is likely.

Hello Dogrock

Thank you for answering my question.

First: After reading question, I found that faFlightId of our both’s answer were different. So, I think you/I have used wrong flight, can you correct it? who’s faFlightID is correct?

Second: As per explanation of @bovineone in link: Please explain about filed_ete, filed_departuretime and esti

filed_ete is the estimated time enroute at the time the flight plan was filed(duration of time required to flight).

Let’s fill value in your equation from my API’s response and see result:

( estimatedarrivaltime - filed_ete )
= 1574611500 - 00:55:00
= Sunday, November 24, 2019 9:35:00 PM IST - 00:55:00
= November 24, 2019, 08:40:00 PM

In my API response: actualdeparturetime=0
But my question, Flight is not depart yet and still it has delay, we need to know those time difference from API, how can we know that using API? Web-page shows those information, so my thought: API must have those information. How can we pull those information by API?

Thank you.

You can use the following URL pattern to confidently link to the flight tracking page by faFlightID:
"" + faFlightID

So, the API snip in the first post becomes:
The API snip in my explanation becomes:

Note that the second link goes to a flight page with times that match the screenshot.

For flights that have not departed, if the calculated estimated departure time occurs more than 15 minutes later than the filed_departuretime then a delay is likely and the difference represents the expected delay. If the filed_departuretime is more than 15 mintues behind the current time then a delay is actively occurring. The FlightInfoEx results will not yield the exact same delay time as the webpage since the webpage can also take into account gate times that are not present in the API response.

Hello @dogrock

“So, the API snip in the first post becomes:
The API snip in my explanation becomes:

If API gives faFlightID as “IGO5377-1574401530-airline-0020”, How can one predict that its actual faFlightID will be “IGO5377-1574228730-airline-0333”?

Our business interested in below scenario:
When flight will depature from origin:
How much delay flight is?

We can identify from FlightInfoEx API that flight is depart or not, but we need to know, how much late is it before departure?

So, Our question is: How can we calculate this time using API OR flightalert? If API is not answering this question. How can we use flightaware to get this information?

Hello @dogrock

Can you reply?

Hello @bovineone @dogrock

Don’t you interested in purchasing your services?

Hello there

Is anyone responsible to give any technical answer here?

The office is closed for the 4 day holiday weekend

1 Like

Hello Bovineone

Okay, Can you answer my question?

Hello @bovineone @dogrock

I need to discuss this issues on skype/phone call, Let me know when can we scheduled a meeting?

Hello there

Is there any one responsible for reply?

You know this page?

Hello @foxhunter

Thank you for reply. When i called +18007138570
he asked me to mail on, I did it yesterday. But i didn’t found any reply from mail as well.

He asked me that, “It is better do communication on mail”, So, i forwarded this discussion’s thread on mail. But no reply from them.

Thank you

Maybe he’s simply not in :slight_smile:

Hello @foxhunter

Do you know, “Which API endpoint will give delay/eraly flight information (flight is not departure and it has delay)?”

For flights that have not yet departed:
If the calculated estimated departure time occurs more than later than the filed_departuretime then a delay is likely and the difference represents the expected delay.
(estimatedarrivaltime - filed_ete) - filed_departuretime

For flight that have departed:
The difference between the actualdeparturetime and the filed_departuretime can represent the departure delay.
actualdeparturetime - filed_departuretime

Other common calculations are listed in the FAQ.

Additionally, this calculation is performed automatically in the FlightXML3 FlightInfoStatus endpoint as the departure_delay field.