Hello... and UK coverage intermittent

Hello All :smiley:

First and foremost, a HUGE Thank You to the FA team for providing the site and all that’s on it, and especially for allowing free access!

I’ve been visiting for a few weeks and was able to track plenty of aircraft in United Kingdom (UK) airspace. I’m not sure that it’s related, but since I registered here, the UK coverage seems very intermittent :frowning:

Right now I can only track aircraft that are heading to or from the USA. It’s kind of eerie seeing all those tracks stopping or starting a few hundred miles west of Ireland!

flightaware.com/live/airport_sta … rport=EGLL (London Heathrow)

I just looked outside for a few minutes and there are definitely Aeroplanes out there over southern England :wink:

I realise that UK coverage is still preliminary, but could somebody confirm they are seeing the same behaviour?

@FA is there anything I can do to help? PM me.


Welcome to FA. :smiley:

Hmm, we’re receiving data over the UK but somehow it’s not making it to the maps. Looking into it.

Good day governor

This has been resolved.

Thank You will744, mduell, and flyboy97222 (The Guv’nor)

Sure is gusty up there tonight… I just heard a jet go overhead (possibly ACA868) and the engine pitch was rising and falling rapidly.


2009.11.13 2050 UTC
Wind from the S (180 degrees) at 24 MPH (21 KT) gusting to 41 MPH (36 KT) (direction variable)

“Let’s be careful UP there”, guys and gals.