Happy Camp ~ Found door Saturday. Found the engine Sunday.

Can’t find the plane or pilot.

Without being there it’s hard to imagine.

redding.com/news/2010/may/23 … not-pilot/

Searchers on Sunday clambered on their hands and knees through dense brush that covers a steep slope, estimated to be about 70 percent. Although cloudy weather limited visibility, search crews found both wings with the landing wheels in a locked down position, the engine, the fuselage, parts of the control panel, and other smaller pieces of the airplane, articles of clothing, the pilot’s cell phone, wallet and other personal items in a large debris field which stretches for well over a mile. No crash impact site has been found; however, it appears unlikely that the pilot would have been able to survive this catastrophic incident, search experts reported.

mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dl … -1/NEWSMAP

Looks like he was having trouble for the last 200 miles.

Wow that’s awful. :frowning: