Flight Log

You have made me a little lax. I have been useing the flight log to update my logbook. However with an extended look all of the times are cut off on the right. What am I dooing wrong? Setup?

       Thanks Tom

I’m not sure that I understand – can you describe the problem you’re having a bit more?

When I click “more past flights” it cuts off the duration column


Is your screen resolution set to 1024x768 or higher?

1280 x1028

I have the same problem with the Flight Duration field. It is off the screen to the right. My desktop is set for 1400x1050.

What web browser and version are you using? Could you submit a screen shot?

I use Internet Explorer 6 with SP2.
I can’t seem to find how to get the screen snap included.
Just had my computer serviced and now the flight duration is completely off the page with settings of 1024x768.

You can hit the “PrintScreen” key on the keyboard, then go to a simple graphics viewer (Paint will work) and go to Edit, Paste.
Save the screenshot, and go to a photo upload website like Fliker or Photobucket, create an account (free) and upload the picture. Copy the link to that picture, come back to flightaware, hit the Img button, paste the link, and hit the Img button again.

I hope that you can get this.

Here’s how it should look…


That snapshot is from an SXGA+ (1400X1050) laptop display.

It’s either a problem with a setting in IE6 on your computer under “View”, or there’s a problem in the HTML code in the page itself setting the page resolution to something greater than your XGA display can handle.

When you click “more flights” at the bottom of the activity log the page that comes up does not have Duration as one of the fields.(thats what we’re looking at on your screenshot) Looking at your screen shot, there is no slider bar at the bottom of the screen, so you are not missing any of the page, simply click on one of those flights and the smaller activity log does include the duration field.
(Pop, he’s viewing “More Past Flights” not just the airport page)

The duration field should be included, and is for the same page in Firefox here. I’d guess it’s some issue with the MSN Explorer browser.

Thanks, I’ve updated the image.

I had just never noticed before, but I’m getting the same issue with IE6.

Interesting, so am I!


I’ll have to scope the IE settings to see if that’s the cause.