well geraldo is on the scene now. He is investiagating the problems that the airbus 320 had with engines, a couple of days before the accident. he says one of the engines suffered compressor stall. I think this has been discussed on previous threads here on FA. The way geraldo came off as if sully was captain on the flight 2 days before the accident. I am going to be totally upset if geraldo makes sully look bad. Anyway to find out who was in control of that previous flight?
well, it’s about time the media started digging, I mean, they’re (Airbus, and they better check not only the 320, but the 318,319, and 321, and when that’s done , the older A300,310, and the 330’s and 340s, never can be too careful) falling from the sky right and left. Without them (Geraldo and crew) to scare the public into flying on the highly regulated and scrutinized aircraft, they’d be sheep following each other off the cliff! I commend Geraldo for his forward thinking, or lack of ratings, whichever is the case.
Oh yeah, just being sarcastic. I can’t really think of an aircraft I dislike (except for that stupid flying car in that other post) …I just love it how 1 airplane gets brought down by what is pretty surely a flock of birds, big ones too, and now it’s the whole brand , there’s a problem with them all don’t fly on them. For those who write this stuff for the news outlets, stop and think about how much scrutiny goes into the MX of an airliner, as opposed , to say, the dip !@!$ next to you on the freeway of which you have know idea if the lugnuts on his wheels are even tight let alone of if he’s drunk, high, licensed, etc etc.
We have a pretty good aviation system, with procedures and practices. Accidents will happen from time to time, but that’s the way it is. The system provides procedures and practices that make the entire aviation system one of the safest modes of transportation.
No Airbus hating, I do like the Boeing family a little better, but I’ve been on both, no problem with either, and have a pretty good feeling that the whole A320 fleet is not more susceptable to hitting flocks of birds than any other airplane…as they say !@#$ happens! In this case one cool cockpit and cabin crew followed the “system” and everyone got home.
amen to that brother. I dont think i have ever been on an airbus product. I dont fly much, but I love to fly whenever i get the chance. It makes no difference to me. yea i dont think that we will ever have a perfect aviation system. we strive to learn from previous disasters, and do the best we can not to have more, but I firmly believe that you cant take the pilot out of the cockpit entirely. as we have learned from uav’s in the military even when there are no pilots in the plane, you are still going to have accidents.
you bet!! until humans quit flying them, operating them, making them, you’ll have human error. Chances are pretty good of making it from point A to B though! Now getting struck by lightning? That’s something I’m more afraid of!! Maybe Geraldo oughta to gear up for golf season, as it approaches, y’know there’ll be a rash of people getting struck by lightning under trees at golf courses (not an attack on golfers) , maybe an “in Depth Exclusive” on systems that get their moisture from the Gulf of Mexico producing more lightning then those that begin in the Pacific La Nina? El Nino!? the untapped controversy and drama… and like an aviation cover story, many of the viewers would have no clue if what he reported was correct or just BS!