dump1090 3D Viewer

To make sure :slight_smile:
What’s the latest 3d script link with all the modifications?

I run the older version but cesium is broken :wink:

bram always updates this link: https://www.bramjacobse.nl/show/3d.zip

… only had to scroll up 40 posts or so … :slight_smile:

updated - https://www.bramjacobse.nl/show/3d.zip

Some small tweaks in config-setup.

Planefinder client IP
var hostIp_pf = 'http://x.x.x.x'; // example ''
var pfPort = 30053; // planefinder port number

// Show Plane between Altitude_min & Altitude_max : Feets
var  Altitude_min = 0
var  Altitude_max = 40000
// curtain 1 show markers in flightpath
var curtain = 0

// height_range_ring in feet above groundlevel
var height_range_ring = 200

End of night curfew at Frankfurt:


hi Bram
any chance to get data from an .sqb database instead of PF (for those that not have it) to get from hex–>reg–> type ?
any javascript code ?

Why don’t you just install it? That is really the easiest option :slight_smile:


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I could do that - already feeding quite few others too - but just an additional option.
I’ve already stripped BS.sqb to bare basics and was hoping to use that, but kind of lazy to look all the available tutorials.

Which database are you talking about?

Anyway using the PF data you get up to date route information as well, not just type.
(And it’s really not a problem traffic or cpu wise, unless you are on a mobile connection)

the basestation.sqb created mine.sqb with only hex code, reg, icao type, full type, and was hoping to use it.
used this tool.

yes almost, one of the problems, have to go through wifi → range extender (4th fl attic) → 1st fl → router.
TP link exetnder 4 out of 5 lights on.

This is awesome ive got it all set up and working, one question though. why do my maps look so crappy compared to some of yours. All i get is terrain, no streets or buildings or 3d looking terrain.

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Post a screenshot…:innocent:

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Zoom in to see more details , and see if the map provider has high-res images

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zoom-in with mouse wheel …or you can even set a permanent cam distance
(in the index.html) as in the image.

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Holding due to thunderstorms going into Frankfurt (FRA - EDDF)
(the airport is the L shape visible on the left side of the picture)


My question is, will the 3D maps work with the latest (3.7.1) Pi-Aware image?

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Where is the install?

No install available.
dump1090 3D Viewer - #250 by bramjacobse

You download the zip and extract it where you want it.
Then you point lighttpd at the correct directory.

Maybe someone else will explain exactly what needs to be done.

What has to be done is to edit some variables in the

Index.html file (dump1090-fa + pfclient ) or the index-test.html (dump1090-fa only ) after line 160


	// Provide a Bing Maps API key here to enable the Bing imagery layer.
	// You can obtain a free key (with usage limits) at
	// https://www.bingmapsportal.com/ (you need a "basic key")

	var BingMapsAPIKey = 'xxxxxx-xxxxx';
	// Location radar LAT / LON
            var myLat = 52.3;
	var myLon = 5.2;

    // Default camera position (play and space key press)

            var camLat = 51.8629;
	var camLon = 4.688;

	var camDist = 162213;
	var camPan = -0.537;
	var camTilt = 1.059;

    // ip adress dump1090 and pfclient
    //  change to external IP and forward the correct ports in Router
	var hostIp = 'http://x.x.x.x'; // example ''
	var dumpPort = 80; // dump1090 port number
    var hostIp_pf = 'http://x.x.x.x'; // example ''
	var pfPort = 30053; // planefinder port number

	// Show Plane between Altitude_min & Altitude_max : Feets
	var  Altitude_min = 0
	var  Altitude_max = 40000
  	// curtain 1 show markers in flightpath
	var curtain = 0

	// height_range_ring in feet above groundlevel
	var height_range_ring = 200