For most people just passing by you’ll have to explain how to setup lighttpd as well.
Yes please explain. I am a noob when it comes to Linux but slowly learning.
you are using the flight aware image…?,
Sorry you are already wrote that
“My question is, will the 3D maps work with the latest (3.7.1) Pi-Aware image?”
I’ll download the image and have a look on a spare-pi…how we can make a simple install
I’ll throw together the necessary commands that shouldn’t interfere with anything.
(Should have done this before probably)
wget -O /tmp/ --no-check-certificate
unzip -q -o -d /tmp /tmp/
sudo cp -r -T /tmp/3d /usr/local/share/shogooda3d
Lighttpd configuration commands:
sudo tee /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/88-shogooda3d.conf >/dev/null <<EOF
#lighttpd configuration for the dump1090 3d viewer by shogooda
alias.url += (
"/3d/" => "/usr/local/share/shogooda3d/",
url.redirect += (
"^/3d$" => "/3d/",
sudo lighty-enable-mod shogooda3d
sudo systemctl restart lighttpd
Then configure index.html like described by bram above:
sudo nano /usr/local/share/shogooda3d/index.html
(bing maps api key, location and so forth)
I will give this a try this evening.
Just tested with flightaware-image and it works fine
Thanks Weidehof
I would recommend to edit index-test.html , this version doesn’t need the PF-client.
sudo nano /usr/local/share/shogooda3d/index-test.html
you could try the new version flightaware-only-installer version
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O - --no-check-certificate )"
then edit variable.js
sudo nano /usr/local/share/shogooda3d/variable.js
go to http://ipadress-Pi-flightaware/3d/
Have fun
Dusseldorf AirPort ?
Hi Bram,
I tried your new flightaware-only-installer version and that runs without errors.
Edit the variable.js file, and when I go to I got the 3D website with the map , circles and airfields, but no planes. What did I forget?
Hoi Ton,
Oeps !..I think i deleted “;” and the end of some variables lines , sorry.
If you add the “;” , it will hope fully fix the problem…
Groeten Bram
That was the trick, Bram
It’s working now.
Thanks for the fast reply and the nice script.
Groet en fijne avond,
Hi Ton,
Thanks , i have update the files
And now some nice screenshots
Regards Bram