Dump graphs 1090 stopped working

tar1090 installation script should disable it, just run that?

sudo rm /var/cache/lighttpd/compress/data -rf

That should work for cleanup as you said already it’s not necessary.


Had graphs1090 stopped working on my one station a while ago, made a backup of the SD card, and it worked. Weird thing is, the SD-card on which graphs1090 stopped working, seems to be OK if I test it…
Is there anywhere something like a block-diagram showing how the whole system sticks together? I am not a Linux-guru, but seeing a visual image of the things running together might make it simpler to dix things when it goes wrong.

What do you think? :slight_smile:

That knowledge has to be earned lol.
collectd every minute calls the callback functions to be found in dump1090.py and that way writes data to the rrd files (which are in /run/collectd or in /var/lib/collectd/rrd depending on graphs1090 version or in the /var location always if the collectd service is stopped).
Then there is the graphs1090 service which will in regular intervals create pngs from the rrds and put them in /run/graphs1090 for you to view them via lighttpd.

Also check the github readme there is a bit of stuff what to check for debug.

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