Double multifactor prompts when logging in

Hi… When I login to FlightAware, I am getting prompted twice for two different multifactor mechanisms… The first is an alphabetical code that is sent to my email address, and then I am prompted again on a secondary page with the value in my authenticator app… How can this be fixed? I am a contributor with an Enterprise account - not sure if that makes a difference.

Same here. Also I get an email telling me that a login has occurred.

If you do not want the MFA, I can remove it from your account. FlightAware has gone passwordless, so access to the email registered on the account is required, but the MFA is optional.

Hello, can you advise with these related questions please? I’ve not seen any comms from FA about these changes.

Is it possible to access MFA settings as a user? I have seen them offered, but if not accepted I cannot find a setting for them.

I’ve seen some people say they are phone-based, others saying they have TOTP MFA. Can you clarify please?

Is it possible for an account to return to a password login? I always have access to my password manager but I don’t always have access to email.

Is the original account password used for anything at all now or can it be removed from password managers?

Is it the data breach last year which prompted these changes?

This post may answer some questions for some folks.


Can you please remove the MFA from my account?