do you think People Express Airlines will last

i say no but i hope i wrong

This isn’t a yes-and-no question. You need a “maybe” in it.

I think they will survive if they go slow in their expansion. They also need to be reasonable in their fares from an accounting point of view. In other words, make sure fares and ancillary services are high enough to make a profit.

They also need to stay out of competitive markets as much as possible. Western Pacific is a good example of this. They were doing good while their hub was at Colorado Springs. They moved it to Denver and we no longer have a Western Pacific.

Neither - it will never even fly its first flight.

Neither - it will never even fly its first flight.

My thoughts exactly.

What i think is they make about a couple of years worth because im thinking about appying for a job at that airline tht will be based in pittsburgh. :slight_smile: