1st-Thanks to staff for the last question:
I just watched this Citation come in a little ahead of schedule:
N1220W C526 Jacqueline Cochran Regional (KTRM) 03:45PM MST 04:22PM MST
However it says it’s already left:
N1220W C526 Ogden Hinckley (KOGD) 03:00PM MST 04:00PM MST
Again, what am I reading wrong here? I saw it when it was enroute, (which was great) saw that it was going to be early, (looked out the window and saw it on final), but the departure thing…well, help me out here!
Hm, I’m showing N1220W currently enroute to KOGD having departed at 04:04PM PST (5:04PM MST) and arriving 05:03PM PST (06:04PM MST). The proposed time was 4:00pm PST (05:00PM MST). Shows up correctly in the aircraft, arrival, and departure flight information.
The latter flight plan was on the Scheduled Departures board, not the Departures board. The flight actually departed at 5:04PM MST. 01-Dec-2005 C526/Q St George Municipal [KSGU] Ogden Hinckley [KOGD] 05:04PM MST 05:52PM MST 0:48