another simple script that might be useful for others …
counts all unique aircrafts per UTC day and automatically sends you an email report with number of aircrafts and all hex-codes along with number of messages, first and last seen position per aircraft/hex. no database needed, no sd-card writing needed. if you want more data you can additionally use this script: Dump1090 MySQL Database Script with Alert and Filter
edit 2017_09_10 17:49 UTC: now discards hex 000000
edit 2017_10_11 00:10 UTC: added daily excel/csv report file
edit 2017_10_16 19:40 UTC: added a little workaround for excel reformats hex to scientific notation behavior
edit 2017_10_18 22:10 UTC: fixed a bug and added some fields
edit 2017_10_19 17:45 UTC: added option to write daily zipped logfile and/or email report
edit 2017_10_21 22:25 UTC: fixed a bug
edit 2017_10_22 20:20 UTC: added mysql database option
edit 2017_11_02 13:20 UTC: added start/stop data cache functionality
one line sample database output using an inner join to basestation.sqb:
sql: select * from daily_report inner join basestation on daily_report.transponder = basestation.ModeS
id report_date transponder messages flight category squawk first_seen first_latitude first_longitude first_altitude last_seen last_latitude last_longitude last_altitude low_dist high_dist low_rssi high_rssi mlat AircraftID ModeS ModeSCountry Country Registration Status Manufacturer ICAOTypeCode Type SerialNo RegisteredOwners OperatorFlagCode
1 20171022 4b19e8 478 SWR117G A0 3024 2017-10-22 20:47:21 Sunday 47.468851 8.820261 13750 2017-10-22 21:02:03 Sunday 48.658447 9.533169 4525 74.2 102.5 -30.7 -9.6 1282 4B19E8 Switzerland HB HB-JVC A Fokker F100 F100 11501 Helvetic Airways OAW
or simply count all aircrafts/messages per day:
select count(report_date) as seen_aircrafts, sum(messages) as received_messages, report_date as count_date from daily_report group by report_date order by count_date desc
seen_aircrafts received_messages count_date
3705 6304047 20171026
3617 6376172 20171025
3291 5900191 20171024
3233 5822322 20171023
given raspbian jessie or stretch install with dump1090:
sudo apt-get update
install sendmail (only needed for email option):
sudo apt-get install sendmail
php install - raspbian jessie only:
sudo apt-get install php5-common php5-cgi php5-mysql php5-sqlite php5-curl php5
php install - raspbian stretch only:
sudo apt-get install php7.0-common php7.0-cgi php7.0-mysql php7.0-sqlite php7.0-curl php7.0
do the needed settings at top of ac_counter.php - then place the script in /home/pi/ and follow below instructions …
setup script system service:
sudo chmod 755 /home/pi/ac_counter.php
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ac_counter.service
→ in nano insert the following lines
save and exit nano ctrl+x → ctrl+y → enter
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/ac_counter.service
sudo systemctl enable ac_counter.service
sudo systemctl start ac_counter.service
sudo systemctl status ac_counter.service
alternative but not reccomended you can run the script via cron:
setup crontab to auto-run script:
sudo crontab -e
@reboot sleep 10 && /usr/bin/php /home/pi/ac_counter.php > /dev/null
#ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
// below a sample create statement for database table
// CREATE TABLE daily_report (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, report_date VARCHAR(100), transponder VARCHAR(100), messages VARCHAR(100), flight VARCHAR(100), category VARCHAR(100), squawk VARCHAR(100), first_seen VARCHAR(100), first_latitude VARCHAR(100), first_longitude VARCHAR(100), first_altitude VARCHAR(100), last_seen VARCHAR(100), last_latitude VARCHAR(100), last_longitude VARCHAR(100), last_altitude VARCHAR(100), low_dist VARCHAR(100), high_dist VARCHAR(100), low_rssi VARCHAR(100), high_rssi VARCHAR(100), mlat VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (id))
// set path to aircraft.json file
$user_set_array['url_json'] = '';
// set email and/or logfile and/or database option to true or false
$user_set_array['email'] = false; $user_set_array['log'] = true;
$user_set_array['database'] = false;
// set path to directory where log files to store to
$user_set_array['log_directory'] = '/home/pi/ac_counter_log/';
// default path to temporary directory where tmp files to store to
$user_set_array['tmp_directory'] = '/run/ac_counter_tmp/';
// set your google email-address daily reports to send to
$user_set_array['email_address'] = '';
// set the absolute limit of alert-messages default is 500
$user_set_array['mailer_limit'] = 500;
// set to true for units metric instead nautical
$user_set_array['metric'] = false;
// set parameters for database connection
$user_set_array['db_user'] = 'root'; $user_set_array['db_pass'] = 'YOUR_PASSWORD';
$user_set_array['db_name'] = 'adsb'; $user_set_array['db_host'] = '';
// set only to true for script function test run -> will 3 times email/log/db after about 1/2/3 minutes
$user_set_array['test_mode'] = false;
// function to compute distance between receiver and aircraft
function func_haversine($lat_from, $lon_from, $lat_to, $lon_to, $earth_radius) {
$delta_lat = deg2rad($lat_to - $lat_from);
$delta_lon = deg2rad($lon_to - $lon_from);
$a = sin($delta_lat / 2) * sin($delta_lat / 2) + cos(deg2rad($lat_from)) * cos(deg2rad($lat_to)) * sin($delta_lon / 2) * sin($delta_lon / 2);
$c = 2 * atan2(sqrt($a), sqrt(1-$a));
return $earth_radius * $c;
$i = 0;
$sent_messages = 0;
$tmp_write_trigger = 0;
$hex_array = array();
$start_time = time();
$seconds_of_day = time() - strtotime('today');
$user_set_array['metric'] ? $earth_radius = 6371 : $earth_radius = 3440;
// fetch receiver.json and read receiver latitude and longitude
$json_receiver_location = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_json'] . 'receiver.json'), true);
isset($json_receiver_location['lat']) ? $rec_lat = $json_receiver_location['lat'] : $rec_lat = 0;
isset($json_receiver_location['lon']) ? $rec_lon = $json_receiver_location['lon'] : $rec_lon = 0;
// set csv-file column header names
$csv_header = '"Transponder"' . "\t" . '"Messages"' . "\t" . '"Flight"' . "\t" . '"Category"' . "\t" . '"Squawk"' . "\t" . '"First Seen"' . "\t" . '"First Latitude"' . "\t" . '"First Longitude"' . "\t" . '"First Altitude"' . "\t" . '"Last Seen"' . "\t" . '"Last Latitude"' . "\t" . '"Last Longitude"' . "\t" . '"Last Altitude"' . "\t" . '"Low Dist"' . "\t" . '"High Dist"' . "\t" . '"Low Rssi"' . "\t" . '"High Rssi"' . "\t" . '"Mlat"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
// at script restart try to resume with already harvested data of this day
if (file_exists($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp') && date('Ymd') == date('Ymd', filemtime($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp'))) {
$csv_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp'), true);
} else {
$csv_array = array();
while (true) {
$db_insert = '';
$start_loop_microtime = microtime(true);
// write about every 5 minutes a tmp-file to preserve already harvested data of this day
if ($tmp_write_trigger == 300 && isset($csv_array)) {
if (!file_exists($user_set_array['tmp_directory'])) mkdir($user_set_array['tmp_directory'], 0755, true);
file_put_contents($user_set_array['tmp_directory'] . 'ac_counter.tmp', json_encode($csv_array), LOCK_EX);
$tmp_write_trigger = 0;
// at midnight generate csv-file and submit email and/or write log-file and/or database
if ($seconds_of_day > time() - strtotime('today') || ($user_set_array['test_mode'] && ($i == 60 || $i == 120 || $i == 180))) {
$csv = '';
$csv .= $csv_header;
foreach ($csv_array as $key => $value) {
$csv .= "\"\t\0" . implode("\"\t\"", str_replace('.', ',', $value)) . "\"" . PHP_EOL;
if ($user_set_array['email'] == true && $sent_messages < $user_set_array['mailer_limit']) {
$boundary = str_replace(' ', '.', microtime());
$header = 'From: ' . $user_set_array['email_address'] . PHP_EOL;
$header .= 'Reply-To: ' . $user_set_array['email_address'] . PHP_EOL;
$header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . PHP_EOL;
$header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="' . $boundary . '"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$body = '--' . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Content-type:text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$body .= number_format(count($csv_array), 0, ',', '.') . ' Aircrafts @ ' . number_format(array_sum(array_column($csv_array, 'msg')), 0, ',', '.') . ' Messages - Yesterday UTC' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$body .= '--' . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="aircrafts.xls"' . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' . PHP_EOL;
$body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="aircrafts.xls"' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$body .= chunk_split(base64_encode($csv)) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
$body .= '--' . $boundary . '--';
mail($user_set_array['email_address'], 'Daily Aircraft Stats', $body, $header);
if ($user_set_array['log'] == true) {
$file_to_write = gzencode($csv);
$file_name_to_write = $user_set_array['log_directory'] . 'ac_' . date('Y_m_d_i', time() - 86400) . '';
if (!file_exists($user_set_array['log_directory'])) mkdir($user_set_array['log_directory'], 0755, true);
file_put_contents($file_name_to_write, $file_to_write, LOCK_EX);
if ($user_set_array['database'] == true) {
$sql = '';
foreach ($csv_array as $key => $value) {
$sql .= "INSERT INTO daily_report VALUES (NULL, '" . date('Ymd', time() - 86400) . "', '" . implode("', '", $value) . "');" . PHP_EOL;
try {
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $user_set_array['db_host'] . ';dbname=' . $user_set_array['db_name'] . '', $user_set_array['db_user'], $user_set_array['db_pass']); $db_insert = '';
if ($sql) { $db->exec($sql); $db_insert = 'inserted'; }
$db = null;
} catch (PDOException $db_error) {
$db_insert = PHP_EOL . $db_error->getMessage();
if (!$user_set_array['test_mode']) $csv_array = array();
// fetch aircraft.json and read timestamp
$json_data_array = json_decode(file_get_contents($user_set_array['url_json'] . 'aircraft.json'),true);
isset($json_data_array['now']) ? $ac_now = date("Y-m-d G:i:s l", $json_data_array['now']) : $ac_now = '';
// loop through aircraft section of aircraft.json file and generate csv_array that holds the data of whole day
foreach ($json_data_array['aircraft'] as $row) {
isset($row['hex']) ? $ac_hex = $row['hex'] : $ac_hex = '';
isset($row['flight']) ? $ac_flight = trim($row['flight']) : $ac_flight = '';
isset($row['category']) ? $ac_category = $row['category'] : $ac_category = '';
isset($row['squawk']) ? $ac_squawk = $row['squawk'] : $ac_squawk = '';
isset($row['altitude']) ? $ac_altitude = $row['altitude'] : $ac_altitude = '';
isset($row['lat']) ? $ac_lat = $row['lat'] : $ac_lat = '';
isset($row['lon']) ? $ac_lon = $row['lon'] : $ac_lon = '';
isset($row['seen']) ? $ac_seen = $row['seen'] : $ac_seen = '';
isset($row['rssi']) ? $ac_rssi = $row['rssi'] : $ac_rssi = '';
isset($row['mlat']) ? $ac_mlat = implode(' ', $row['mlat']) : $ac_mlat = '';
if ($ac_hex != '' && $ac_hex != '000000' && ($ac_seen != '' && $ac_seen < 1.2)) {
$csv_array[$ac_hex]['hex'] = $ac_hex;
isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['msg']) ? $csv_array[$ac_hex]['msg']++ : $csv_array[$ac_hex]['msg'] = 1;
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['flight']) && $ac_flight == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['flight'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_flight != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['flight'] = $ac_flight; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['category']) && $ac_category == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['category'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_category != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['category'] = $ac_category; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['squawk']) && $ac_squawk == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['squawk'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_squawk != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['squawk'] = $ac_squawk; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_see']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_see'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_see'] = $ac_now;
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lat']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lat'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lat'] = $ac_lat;
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lon']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lon'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_lon'] = $ac_lon;
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_alt']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_alt'] == '') $csv_array[$ac_hex]['f_alt'] = $ac_altitude;
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_see']) && $ac_now == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_see'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_now != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_see'] = $ac_now; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lat']) && $ac_lat == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lat'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_lat != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lat'] = $ac_lat; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lon']) && $ac_lon == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lon'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_lon != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_lon'] = $ac_lon; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_alt']) && $ac_altitude == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_alt'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_altitude != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_alt'] = $ac_altitude; }
$ac_lat && $ac_lon ? $ac_dist = round(func_haversine($rec_lat, $rec_lon, $ac_lat, $ac_lon, $earth_radius), 1) : $ac_dist = '';
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
else if ($ac_dist != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] > $ac_dist) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist']) || $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
else if ($ac_dist != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] < $ac_dist) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_dist'] = $ac_dist; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'])) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
else if ($ac_rssi != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'] > $ac_rssi) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['l_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'])) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
else if ($ac_rssi != '' && $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'] < $ac_rssi) { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['h_rssi'] = $ac_rssi; }
if (!isset($csv_array[$ac_hex]['mlat']) && $ac_mlat == '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['mlat'] = ''; }
else if ($ac_mlat != '') { $csv_array[$ac_hex]['mlat'] = 'mlat'; }
$last_run = time() - strtotime('today');
$seconds_of_day = time() - strtotime('today');
// generate terminal output and set sleep timer to get minimum a full second until next aircraft.json is ready to get fetched
$runtime = (time() - $start_time);
$runtime_formatted = sprintf('%d days %02d:%02d:%02d', $runtime/60/60/24,($runtime/60/60)%24,($runtime/60)%60,$runtime%60);
($runtime > 0) ? $loop_clock = number_format(round(($i / $runtime),6),6) : $loop_clock = number_format(1, 6);
$process_microtime = (round(1000000 * (microtime(true) - $start_loop_microtime)));
print('upt(us): ' . sprintf('%07d', $process_microtime) . ' - ' . $loop_clock . ' loops/s avg - since ' . $runtime_formatted . ' - run ' . $i . ' => ' . sprintf('%04d', count($csv_array)) . ' aircraft(s) @ ' . array_sum(array_column($csv_array, 'msg')) . ' msg today ' . $db_insert . PHP_EOL);