Cloning Booted RPi's microSD card on Windows PC through Network

Strange thing happened this morning. One of my RPis was supposed to have backed up at 01:00 but the backup didn’t happen and I found that the Raspberry wasn’t responding at all so I power cycled it.

I logged in and attempted to run a manual backup but it gave an error that it had encountered a problem stopping a service.

When I looked at the conf file, I discovered that there were extraneous entries in the services to stop and services to start entries. They were systemctl stop service.

I don’t know where they came from or when they appeared but when I removed them, the backup worked.

Might be something to watch out for.

I eventually found a resolution to the slow transfer problem in WinSCP.
The answer is to disable the ‘optimise connection buffer size’ setting in the connection settings of the site.

1 Like

This thing has been fighting me tooth and nail. First problem: I use MX Linux 19.4 on my desktop PC (based on Debian Buster) and the PiAware image on my Pi. I shared the /home/jay/rpi-clone directory on my LAN with access set to “everyone” and chmod 777’d the directory for good measure. When I try to mount it in /mnt/backup (which directory I created) it prompts me for the password for (with “xxx” being the last octet of my desktop’s static IP address) even though I didn’t password-protect the share. When I enter either my root password or user password it then says “Unable to find suitable address.” and returns me to the shell prompt. I can ping my desktop PC from the Pi and I can access PiAware on it from the desktop, and also the Pi’s dump1090-fa output in VirtualRadarServer running on my desktop so the two devices are able to connect to each other over the LAN.

Next I formatted a 16GB USB stick as ext4 and mounted it in /mnt/backup on the Pi and tried doing a manual backup and I get this:

pi@piaware:~ $ sudo bash ./ -a : -o : -z -m detailed /mnt/backup
--- RBK0009I: piaware: V0.6.6 (262862c) started at Sun 26 Sep 03:40:06 UTC 2021.
--- RBK0262I: Dynamic mount of /dev/sda1 skipped because it's already mounted.
--- RBK0128I: Using logfile /mnt/backup/piaware/piaware-rsync-backup-20210926-034004/raspiBackup.log.
--- RBK0116I: Using config file /usr/local/etc/raspiBackup.conf.
??? RBK0079E: Option -z not allowed with backuptype rsync.
--- RBK0091I: Invoke ' -h' to get more detailed information of all script invocation parameters.
--- RBK0033I: Please wait until cleanup has finished.
/usr/local/bin/ line 34: getMemoryFree: command not found
--- RBK1001I: Memory usage - Pre backup - Used:  MB Free:  MB - Post backup - Used:  MB Free:  MB
/usr/local/bin/ line 34: getCPUTemp: command not found
--- RBK1000I: CPU temperature pre and post backup:  - 
/usr/local/bin/ line 34: getDiskUsage: command not found
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 1: syntax error
(standard_in) 2: syntax error
--- RBK1002I: Disk usage pre backup: Used: 0 Bytes Free: 0 Bytes
--- RBK1003I: Disk usage post backup: Used: 0 Bytes Free: 0 Bytes
/usr/local/bin/ line 74: ((: != 0 : syntax error: operand expected (error token is "!= 0 ")
--- RBK0043I: Removing incomplete backup in /mnt/backup/piaware/piaware-rsync-backup-20210926-034004. This may take some time. Please be patient.
--- RBK0049I: Messages saved in /home/pi/raspiBackup.msg.
--- RBK0026I: Debug logfile saved in /home/pi/raspiBackup.log.
--- RBK0010I: piaware: V0.6.6 (262862c) stopped at Sun 26 Sep 03:40:10 UTC 2021 with rc 107.
??? RBK0005E: Backup failed. Check previous error messages for details.


FYI my raspiBackup.conf contents:

pi@piaware:/usr/local/etc $ sudo cat raspiBackup.conf
# Default configuration file for
# (C) 2013,2020 framp at linux-tips-and-tricks dot de
# For more details about options visit
# $Date: 2021-08-06 10:10:06 +0200$
# $Sha1: f22c2e7$

# do not change following line

# Note:
# 0 turns an option off
# 1 turns an option on

# path to store the backupfile

# type of backup: dd, tar or rsync

# zip tar or dd backup

# dd backup will save space used by partitions only

# how many backups to keep
# how many backups to keep of the specific backup type. If zero DEFAULT_KEEPBACKUPS is used

# Smart recycle
# Smart recycle dryrun
# Smart recycle parameters (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly)

# commands to stop services before backup separated by &&
# commands to start services after backup separated by &&

# commands to execute before services are stopped separated by &&
# commands to execute when services were started again separated by &&

# email to send completion status

# Sender emailadress used with ssmtp

# Additional parameters for email program (optional)

# mailprogram

# Telegram token
# Telegram target chatid
# Telegram notifications to send. S(uccess), F(ailure), M(essages as file), m(essages as text)

# Send eMail and/or Telegram notification when backup starts

# Send email only in case of errors. Use with care !

# msg level (0 = minimal, 1 = detailed)

# Colorize console output (C) and/or email (M)

# eMail coloring (SUBJECT or OPTION)

# restore device

# Default verbose log

# skip check for remote mount of backup path

# blocksize used for dd
# addition parms used for dd

# exclude list

# notify in email if there is an updated script version available

# extensions to call
DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS="mem temp disk"

# language (DE or EN)

# hosts which will get the updated backup script with parm -y - non pwd access with keys has to be enabled
# Example: "root@raspberrypi root@fhem root@openhab root@magicmirror"

# Don't ask for restore confirmation for this device. Use with care !
# Resize root filesystem during restore
# Use hardlinks for partitionbootfiles

# use hardlinks for rsync if possible

# save boot partition with tar

# Versions not to generated deprecated messages, separated with commas

# report uuid

# Check for bad blocks when formating restore device (Will take a long time)

# add timestamps in front of messages

# add system status in debug log

# Restoretest reminder interval (unit: months)
# Number of times to remind to test restore

# Options for partitionoriented mode

# Name of backup partition to dynamically mount (e.g. /dev/sda1 or /backup), should be empty to disable dynamic mount

pi@piaware:/usr/local/etc $ 

I tried to attach my logfile but Discourse won’t let me and the number of lines in it is too many to copy/paste.

Second try:

20210926-040408 DBG 1721:      --> initializeDefaultConfigVariables 
20210926-040408 DBG 1855:      <-- initializeDefaultConfigVariables 
20210926-040408 DBG 1860:      --> copyDefaultConfigVariables 
20210926-040408 DBG 1960:          --> substituteNumberArguments 
20210926-040408 DBG 1987:          <-- substituteNumberArguments 
20210926-040408 DBG 1931:      <-- copyDefaultConfigVariables 
20210926-040408 DBG 2702:      --> readConfigParameters 
20210926-040408 DBG 2758:      <-- readConfigParameters 
20210926-040408 DBG 1860:      --> copyDefaultConfigVariables 
20210926-040408 DBG 1960:          --> substituteNumberArguments 
20210926-040408 DBG 1987:          <-- substituteNumberArguments 
20210926-040408 DBG 1931:      <-- copyDefaultConfigVariables 
20210926-040408 DBG 1642:      --> logOptions Standard option files
20210926-040408 DBG 1644:      --- Options:  -a : -o : -z -m detailed /mnt/backup
20210926-040408 DBG 1645:      --- APPEND_LOG=0
20210926-040408 DBG 1646:      --- APPEND_LOG_OPTION=-a
20210926-040408 DBG 1647:      --- BACKUPPATH=/mnt/backup
20210926-040408 DBG 1648:      --- BACKUPTYPE=rsync
20210926-040408 DBG 1649:      --- AFTER_STARTSERVICES=
20210926-040408 DBG 1650:      --- BEFORE_STOPSERVICES=
20210926-040408 DBG 1651:      --- CHECK_FOR_BAD_BLOCKS=0
20210926-040408 DBG 1652:      --- COLORING=CM
20210926-040408 DBG 1653:      --- CONFIG_FILE=
20210926-040408 DBG 1654:      --- DD_BACKUP_SAVE_USED_PARTITIONS_ONLY=0
20210926-040408 DBG 1655:      --- DD_BLOCKSIZE=1M
20210926-040408 DBG 1656:      --- DD_PARMS=
20210926-040408 DBG 1657:      --- DD_WARNING=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1658:      --- DEPLOYMENT_HOSTS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1659:      --- DYNAMIC_MOUNT=/dev/sda1
20210926-040409 DBG 1660:      --- EMAIL=
20210926-040409 DBG 1661:      --- EMAIL_COLORING=SUBJECT
20210926-040409 DBG 1662:      --- EMAIL_PARMS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1663:      --- EXCLUDE_LIST=
20210926-040409 DBG 1664:      --- EXTENSIONS=mem temp disk
20210926-040409 DBG 1665:      --- FAKE=
20210926-040409 DBG 1666:      --- HANDLE_DEPRECATED=
20210926-040409 DBG 1667:      --- IGNORE_ADDITIONAL_PARTITIONS=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1668:      --- KEEPBACKUPS=3
20210926-040409 DBG 1669:      --- KEEPBACKUPS_DD=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1670:      --- KEEPBACKUPS_DDZ=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1671:      --- KEEPBACKUPS_TAR=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1672:      --- KEEPBACKUPS_TGZ=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1673:      --- KEEPBACKUPS_RSYNC=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1674:      --- LANGUAGE=EN
20210926-040409 DBG 1675:      --- LINK_BOOTPARTITIONFILES=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1676:      --- LOG_LEVEL=1
20210926-040409 DBG 1677:      --- LOG_OUTPUT=2
20210926-040409 DBG 1678:      --- MAIL_ON_ERROR_ONLY=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1679:      --- MAIL_PROGRAM=mail
20210926-040409 DBG 1680:      --- MSG_LEVEL=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1681:      --- NOTIFY_START=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1682:      --- NOTIFY_UPDATE=1
20210926-040409 DBG 1683:      --- PARTITIONBASED_BACKUP=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1684:      --- PARTITIONS_TO_BACKUP=1 2
20210926-040409 DBG 1685:      --- RESIZE_ROOTFS=1
20210926-040409 DBG 1686:      --- RESTORE_DEVICE=
20210926-040409 DBG 1687:      --- ROOT_PARTITION=
20210926-040409 DBG 1688:      --- RSYNC_BACKUP_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1689:      --- RSYNC_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-aHAx --delete
20210926-040409 DBG 1690:      --- RSYNC_IGNORE_ERRORS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1691:      --- SENDER_EMAIL=
20210926-040409 DBG 1692:      --- SKIP_DEPRECATED=
20210926-040409 DBG 1693:      --- SKIPLOCALCHECK=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1694:      --- SMART_RECYCLE=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1695:      --- SMART_RECYCLE_DRYRUN=1
20210926-040409 DBG 1696:      --- SMART_RECYCLE_OPTIONS=7 4 12 1
20210926-040409 DBG 1697:      --- STARTSERVICES=:
20210926-040409 DBG 1698:      --- STOPSERVICES=:
20210926-040409 DBG 1699:      --- SYSTEMSTATUS=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1700:      --- TAR_BACKUP_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1701:      --- TAR_BACKUP_OPTIONS=-cpi --one-file-system
20210926-040409 DBG 1702:      --- TAR_BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLED=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1703:      --- TAR_IGNORE_ERRORS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1704:      --- TAR_RESTORE_ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS=
20210926-040409 DBG 1705:      --- TELEGRAM_TOKEN=
20210926-040409 DBG 1706:      --- TELEGRAM_CHATID=
20210926-040409 DBG 1707:      --- TELEGRAM_NOTIFICATIONS=F
20210926-040409 DBG 1708:      --- TIMESTAMPS=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1709:      --- UPDATE_UUIDS=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1710:      --- USE_HARDLINKS=1
20210926-040409 DBG 1711:      --- VERBOSE=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1712:      --- YES_NO_RESTORE_DEVICE=
20210926-040409 DBG 1713:      --- ZIP_BACKUP=0
20210926-040409 DBG 1715:      <-- logOptions 
20210926-040409 DBG 7387:      --> checkOptionParameter -a :
20210926-040409 DBG 7408:      <-- checkOptionParameter :
20210926-040409 DBG 7387:      --> checkOptionParameter -o :
20210926-040409 DBG 7408:      <-- checkOptionParameter :
20210926-040409 DBG 7387:      --> checkOptionParameter -m detailed
20210926-040409 DBG 7408:      <-- checkOptionParameter detailed
20210926-040409 DBG 1960:      --> substituteNumberArguments 
20210926-040409 DBG 1987:      <-- substituteNumberArguments 
20210926-040409 DBG 7984:  --- RESTORE: 0 - fileParameter: /mnt/backup
20210926-040409 DBG 8004:  --- Enabling trap handler
20210926-040409 DBG 1367:  --- TRAP cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
20210926-040409 DBG 3027:      --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040409 DBG 3051:      <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040409 DBG 2763:      --> setupEnvironment 
20210926-040410 DBG 2767:      --- Previous logfile: /home/@USER@/raspiBackup.log
20210926-040410 DBG 2069:          --> dynamic_mount /dev/sda1
20210926-040410 DBG 2618:              --> isMounted /dev/sda1
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                  *** cat /proc/mounts
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      /dev/root / ext4 rw,noatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,relatime,size=439400k,nr_inodes=109850,mode=755 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      sysfs /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      securityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      tmpfs /run/lock tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup2 /sys/fs/cgroup/unified cgroup2 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,name=systemd 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      none /sys/fs/bpf bpf rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/pids cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/devices cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event cgroup rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      systemd-1 /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc autofs rw,relatime,fd=27,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs rw,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      mqueue /dev/mqueue mqueue rw,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      sunrpc /run/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs rw,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      configfs /sys/kernel/config configfs rw,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=ascii,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw,relatime 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2620:                      tmpfs /run/user/1000 tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=94536k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0
20210926-040410 DBG 2626:              <-- isMounted 1
mount: /dev/sda1: can't find in /etc/fstab.
20210926-040410 DBG 3027:              --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040410 DBG 3051:              <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040410 DBG 1452:              --> exitError 131
20210926-040410 DBG 1459:              <-- exitError 131
20210926-040410 DBG 3494:              --> cleanup 
20210926-040410 DBG 3027:                  --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040410 DBG 3051:                  <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040410 DBG 3758:                  --> cleanupBackup 
20210926-040410 DBG 3760:                  --- Got trap EXIT
20210926-040410 DBG 3761:                  --- rc: 131
20210926-040410 DBG 1232:                      --> callExtensions post
20210926-040410 DBG 1259:                      --- Calling 131
20210926-040410 DBG 1502:                          --> executeShellCommand . 131
20210926-040410 DBG 3027:                              --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040410 DBG 3051:                              <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040410 DBG 1509:                          <-- executeShellCommand 0
20210926-040410 DBG 1262:                      --- Extension RC: 0
20210926-040410 DBG 1259:                      --- Calling 131
20210926-040410 DBG 1502:                          --> executeShellCommand . 131
20210926-040410 DBG 3027:                              --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040410 DBG 3051:                              <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040410 DBG 1509:                          <-- executeShellCommand 0
20210926-040410 DBG 1262:                      --- Extension RC: 0
20210926-040410 DBG 1259:                      --- Calling 131
20210926-040410 DBG 1502:                          --> executeShellCommand . 131
20210926-040410 DBG 3027:                              --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040410 DBG 3051:                              <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040410 DBG 3027:                              --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040410 DBG 3051:                              <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040410 DBG 1509:                          <-- executeShellCommand 0
20210926-040410 DBG 1262:                      --- Extension RC: 0
20210926-040410 DBG 1272:                      <-- callExtensions 
20210926-040410 DBG 2394:                      --> startServices 
20210926-040410 DBG 1613:                          --> logSystemServices 
20210926-040410 DBG 1622:                          <-- logSystemServices 
20210926-040410 DBG 2420:                      <-- startServices 
20210926-040410 DBG 2424:                      --> executeAfterStartServices 
20210926-040410 DBG 2440:                      <-- executeAfterStartServices 
20210926-040410 DBG 3287:                      --> cleanupBackupDirectory 
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                          *** ls -la 
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              total 428
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              drwxr-xr-x 4 pi   pi     4096 Sep 26 04:04 .
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              drwxr-xr-x 3 root root   4096 Sep  2 13:28 ..
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw------- 1 pi   pi     1273 Sep 26 00:20 .bash_history
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw------- 1 pi   pi    13480 Sep 25 03:54 .bash_history-save
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi      220 Sep  2 13:28 .bash_logout
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi     3523 Sep  2 13:28 .bashrc
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              drwx------ 3 pi   pi     4096 Sep 10 05:56 .gnupg
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              drwxr-xr-x 3 pi   pi     4096 Sep 11 02:40 .local
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi      807 Sep  2 13:28 .profile
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi     2686 Sep 11 08:33 qsi.txt
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  12282 Sep 26 04:04 raspiBackup.log
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    493 Sep 26 04:04 raspiBackup.msg
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi   275403 Sep 26 03:01
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi    38704 Sep 26 03:56 raspiBUlog.txt
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi    42807 Sep 26 03:08 rpi-clone
20210926-040411 DBG 3289:                              -rw-r--r-- 1 pi   pi      215 Sep 26 03:08 .wget-hsts
20210926-040411 DBG 3297:                      --- Current user: pi
20210926-040411 DBG 3307:                      --- Current user: pi
20210926-040411 DBG 3027:                          --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040411 DBG 3051:                          <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040411 DBG 3027:                          --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040411 DBG 3051:                          <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040411 DBG 3341:                      <-- cleanupBackupDirectory 
20210926-040411 DBG 3774:                  <-- cleanupBackup 
20210926-040411 DBG 3780:                  --> cleanupTempFiles 
20210926-040411 DBG 3787:                  <-- cleanupTempFiles 
20210926-040411 DBG 3521:              --- Terminate now with rc 131
20210926-040411 DBG 3027:                  --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040411 DBG 3051:                  <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040411 DBG 3027:                  --> colorAnnotation 1
20210926-040411 DBG 3051:                  <-- colorAnnotation 
20210926-040411 DBG 3155:                  --> sendEMail 
20210926-040411 DBG 3277:                  <-- sendEMail 
20210926-040411 DBG 3409:              --- Masquerading some mount options
20210926-040411 DBG 3427:              --- Masquerading home directory name
20210926-040411 DBG 3432:              --- Masquerading hostname
20210926-040411 DBG 3437:              --- Masquerading sensitive non local IPs
20210926-040411 DBG 3599:              <-- cleanup 

This should be the mount point or device, which you need to have configured in fstab.

You could leave it out as a test for now

Can you connect to the share using SMB in file manager?

I’ll try that. Thanks.

Thanks for the idea. Guess I need to fire up my laptop which is running the same distro and version and see if it can see/connect to the share on the desktop PC. I didn’t think of that. I’ll try it tomorrow.

I actually meant from file manager on the Pi (using smb:// in the address bar) but i guess that would only be useful if you have a GUI on it.

Re: the shared directory on my desktop PC I found out that samba is broken on it and I’ll need to reinstall my distro to fix it as I’m pretty sure that when I installed said distro I unselected samba within its installer’s options, and I’m going to put that off because they’ll be releasing a new Bullseye-based version within the next few weeks so I’ll need to reinstall from scratch then anyway as the current version is Buster-based.

Re: running a manual backup into a mounted USB stick with

sudo bash ./ -a : -o : -z -m detailed /mnt/backup

still fails with two errors (or one warning message and one error) after removing the destination path and directory from its config file::

??? RBK0079E: Option -z not allowed with backuptype rsync.
--- RBK0010I: piaware: V0.6.6 (262862c) stopped at Mon 27 Sep 08:36:03 UTC 2021 with rc 107.

I have no idea what rc 107 means.

compression is not available on rsync and in any case, rsync would only work if you were backing up to a device running that service, it doesn’t work on physical devices so you would need to use -t dd or -t tar

also, I don’t think you need the colons

Thanks! Running

sudo bash ./ -t dd -z -m detailed /mnt/backup

worked. :grinning: It resulted in a file piaware-ddz-backup-20210928-075832.img.gz which I can uncompress then burn back to the SD card.


Repository: framps/raspiBackup · Tag: v0.6.7 · Commit: 3e24488 · Released by: framps


  • Add a “restore completed” and “restore ready” extension point #420


  • raspiBackup.msg not being created on new install? #437
  • Disable non supported environments #435
  • Create different Logfiles for Backup and Restore #432
  • Allow to customize color codes for console and html in eMail #360


  • Make lookup for meta data files more robust #415
  • Restore with option -g misses progress indication for root partition #406
  • Check whether pv is installed if option -g is used #405
  • Restore terminates with RC112 for a Bullseye backup with no error message #400
  • Some files were not deleted when raspiBackup was uninstalled #397

For a detailed list of issues in this release see here

This release has 2 assets:

  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

Visit the release page to download them.

That was mine! :joy:

1 Like


Repository: framps/raspiBackup · Tag: v0.6.7 · Commit: efce407 · Released by: framps


  • Add a “restore completed” and “restore ready” extension point #420
  • Use hardlinks for option -m #471


  • Reject unsupported environments if option --unsupportedEnvironment is not used #435
  • raspiBackup.msg not being created on new install? #437
  • Disable non supported environments #435
  • Create different Logfiles for Backup and Restore #432
  • Allow to customize color codes for console and html in eMail #360
  • Add config option which causes raspiBackup to initiate a reboot when the backup finished #449
  • Make sure services stopped are restarted when CTRL-C is used #221
  • Execute post plugins even there was a backup failure #454


  • Make lookup for meta data files more robust #415
  • Restore with option -g misses progress indication for root partition #406
  • Check whether pv is installed if option -g is used #405
  • Restore terminates with RC112 for a Bullseye backup with no error message #400
  • Some files were not deleted when raspiBackup was uninstalled #397
  • Fixed freespace calculation for restore #475
  • Allow to update raspiBackup version to latest version even a beta is available #468

For a detailed list of issues in this release see here

This release has 2 assets:

  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

Visit the release page to download them.


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Repository: framps/raspiBackup · Tag: v0.6.7.1 · Commit: 0945f86 · Released by: framps 18 minutes ago

This release is raspiBackup 0.6.7 with NVMe support included.

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Repository: framps/raspiBackup · Tag: v0.6.8 · Commit: 966349d · Released by: framps

Features (3)

  • NVMe support for CM4 #412 (was already available inofficially as
  • Pushover support for notifications #550
  • Slack support for notifications #551

Enhancements (7)

  • Write message when there is no version and sha set in code #536
  • Create something like DEFAULT_FINAL_COMMANDS #535
  • Write backup tool messages also on screen and in message file/email #531
  • Disable progress messages (option -g) if raspiBackup is executed in background #527
  • Catch cleanup errors and let raspiBackup fail #520
  • Automount creates /media/pi directory with ACLs and aborts raspiBackup #516
  • restore aborts if usbmount is installed #515

Bugfixes (2)

  • Backup mount point not stored in backup #513
  • RBK0273E received because @eaDir exists in backup dir on a Synology #530

For a complete and detailed list of issues in this release see here

This release has 2 assets:

  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

Visit the release page to download them.

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