Changing Piaware Settings Without SSH and Without microSD Card plugged in Desktop

Seeing wingnut’s problem today, it occured to me that Flightaware needs following enhancement:

While the microSD card is in Pi and powered up, open a Browser in your Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Phone, go to address <ip of pi>/settings.html, and change/save settings including feeder-id. No SSH, no microSD card slipped into Desktop!

This is exactly what Flightradar24 have been using for a long time to change settings. Just go to page <ip of pi>:8754/settings.html to change & save settings, and restart the data feeder, ALL from Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Phone’s browser! Please see “Save” and “Restart” buttons at bottom right of screenshot

Is it possible Flightaware also introduce something like this in Piaware?

Note: I have striked-out sharing key value in screenshot below for privacy reasons. FR24 uses sharing key same way as Flightaware uses UUID (feeder-id).


We will consider this for a future update. Thank you.


Thanks Eric.
This feature will be very helpful for those who have little or no knowledge of computers, linux commands, ssh, etc.


This is tricky because we prefer not to leave an open/unsecured configuration interface on the device for security reasons.

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You could always do a login challenge system, like go to a page on the Pi, which triggers a call to FlightAware. The user who claimed the Pi could then authorize the login on and the Pi could then let the login continue.

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Good idea. A simpler method for the “dont know linux & ssh” user can be to have password challenge/log-in from the browser locally on LAN only, without going to any Internet site.

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It is bit of a chicken-and-egg problem as we’d want the config to be accessible even if the site was unclaimed (e.g. you want to configure the feeder ID to point to an existing site) or if connectivity to FA is down.


I can SSH, SCP, and FTP from my Windows (and Ubuntu) Desktop to Pi, both on same LAN, without putting my Piaware at risk.

I can go to < ip of pi >/dump1090-fa, from my Browser in Windows (and Ubuntu) Desktop to Pi, both on same LAN, without putting my Piaware at risk.

Then why accessing & setting UUID and Gain from Browser in Windows (and Ubuntu) Desktop to Pi, both on same LAN, puts my Piaware at risk?


that is the mother of all questions :slight_smile:

edit: ok - at least beside the question why we germans have the dumbest government on planet earth


Another example of setting sharing code (similar to UUID of Flightaware) from Browser of Windows/Mac/Linux Computer on same LAN as Pi running data feeder.
< ip of pi >:30053/setup.html

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Load average and temperature display of FF or PiaWare on SkyView or front page needed. This is more in demand than the rarely used settings.

Temp and load would be good to have. What about a graph with the signal and noise levels, a la ADS-B Receiver project?

As for security concerns, make these options available from the ‘My ADS-B’ page. I’m no expert, but if the settings page can be accessed with a browser, it can be accessed by clicking on the ‘My ADS-B’ page’s gear icon, right/wrong?


I would say a simple log in and password should be fine and that option is only available if you have claimed your piaware and have the sharing code.

After 7 months, any consideration as a update?

We are still tracking it as a requested enhancement. We are working on some other things right now. We have some cool new things coming to PiAware/Skyview in the coming months.

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That is cool. Is it possible to eliberate on the update? Just a little taste? Maybe a picture?

Seconded, can we have a few hints as to what’s coming please? There are some great hacks and mods in this forum and I would really like PiAware to incorporate as many as possible as standard with simple ways to select them as options at the application layer (rather than having to hack files).

I’d also love PiAware to present a UI to add other feeders. We’re all going to do it anyway and making dump1090-fa really friendly with a nice UI means anyone wanting to feed multiple places will gravitate to using PiAware as the de facto base install for all feeders, so FlightAware will capture all of those volunteers regardless.

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Remember the RadarSpotters. Be on the forefront of a new hobby. :wink:

A new business opportunity, maybe?:wink:

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We’ll be showing more data in Skyview. Auto pilot settings and some other stuff. Stay tuned.


I look forward to a new feature called “Gain AI”. Turn it on and it works out the optimum gain to maximise numbers and range of aircraft. No more Excel statistics lessons!