Can I use a Kinetic SBS-3 with a Pi?

I have been usining a kinetic SBS-3 connected to a PC with a 4 monitor output, but cant run it 24/7 due to the ammount of heat it generates. So was thinking about going down the pi route and a dongle and then my brain went can I not just “plug” the SBS 3 into a Pi and have it running 24/7. Which would then mean that I could set it up to share etc.

Can it be done?
and how?


NOTES for using ModeSMixer2 to connect SBS-3 to RPi

(1) Install ModeSMixer2 by installation script at above Github site.

(2) Connect SBS-3 to RPi through USB.

(3) After installation, open ModeSMixer2’s config file by following command:

sudo nano /usr/share/mm2/mm2.conf  

(4) DELETE all default contents of file mm2.conf and copy-paste following lines:
(Replace xx.xxxx and yy.yyyy by your actual latitude and longitude)

--inSerial /dev/ttyUSB0:3000000:none 
--outServer beast:30005 
--outServer msg:30003 
--outServer sbs10001:10001  
--web 8787 
--location xx.xxxx:yy.yyyy

(5) Save file and restart ModeSMixer2 by following command:

sudo systemctl restart mm2   



Further reading and references:





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