Hi everyone!
I have 6 receivers, all with RPi3, each one in different place (my friend houses); I have 5 RPis in Costa RIca (Central America) and one in Dominican Republic (Caribe)… I want merge all my data in only one map, but I have basic knowledge about network for do that… Is there somebody that can help me for setup in right way step by step?
Thanks a lot!!!
September 8, 2017, 5:35am
If the local networks settings allow (NAT, white IP), it is possible to collect data using, for example, Virtual Radar or ModeSDeco2 and ModeSMixer2…
September 8, 2017, 7:40am
one of these attempts and then eg. with socat you can merge them all on a raspi running dump1090 in net only mode at your home.
the raspis at my site i can easily access in house via ssh/vnc through my internal (wifi)network - from outside i use the vpn-appliance network access.
but when using a pi at a remote site where no external vpn-box is available up to now i see two ways:
ssh to pi via router port-forwarding (what i do not like much)
what’s your ultimate solution and why
Thanks Oliver. It worked.
I first told dump1090 on raspi-1 (feeder) only to bind to all addresses, it did not work.
I then told dump1090 on both the raspi-1 (feeder) & raspi-2 (aggregator) to bind to all addresses, and it worked.
pi@raspi-2 ~ $ socat -u TCP:raspi-1:30005 TCP:raspi-2:30004 &
[1] 914
pi@raspi-2 ~ $