What is the best airport? There have been other forums on this but they seem to be about people’s favorite and not the BEST. The poll has airports I have heard about that are some of the better ones?
From that list Ive found MSP to be very nice.
At last! A list with “none of the above” as an option. This is great because “best airports” covers a wide range.
LAX wasn’t listed. Although traveling through LAX can be a hassle, it is a good airport for aircraft spotting. There’s the In-n-Out Burger on the north side, the Imperial Terminal - where the airline museum is - on the south side, and the road along the beach on the west side.
LAS is a great airport. It also has some good spotting areas.
General aviation airports were left off the list. There’s quite often some interesting aircraft to see at these airports.
Minneapolis would be the best…but they have Northwest. Great airport for business (free internet). Really is the best airport for layovers.
Never been but on that alone LAX would get my vote.
No idea how it is as a pilot, but so far PDX is my favorite airport to get stuck in. Not too crowded, nice and modern, cool things to look at, and free wifi. Decent airport Mexican food, too.
Not to mention absolutely fantastic views of Mount Hood when landing, if the weather is good.
But I suspect your poll wasn’t about “favorite” airports, so my response might be irrelevant. I’d be interested in hearing the perspective of any pilots that have landed at PDX.
I like PDX, the airline terminal (less Horizon’s hwy rest stop) and the restaurants. I got plastard in a German bar there last time I had a plane change.
Portland is a very nice, under-rated city. It’s just 100nm away from me, right over the top of a 12,276’ cupcake!
Call me crazy, but didn’t the owner of the Mexican chain go down in the Columbia?
To me there are two airports that suit me. Luke AFB (Nevada) and Piarco Intl (Trinidad). Piarco police don’t bug flightspotters. You can stay on the road the is in front of rwy10.
I’ll put PDX on the top of my list too. Pretty, clean, easy to manage. Decent spotting opportunities too.
I’m surprised STL wasn’t on the list!
I was just at SLC a while ago and it a few excellent spotting places from inside the terminal.
How come HNL isn’t on the list. It’s WAAAAY better than MSP!
Why isn’t SEA on the list? (If you know where to go to get the good spots, it can be a great spotting airport.)
after the remodel BNA!!!
I agree with many of you I like PDX, SEA, and ONT airports.
Other then the open air feel between terminals, I found HNL one of the worst large city airports I have ever been to.
Absolutely nothing outside the security area to meet people for a meal.
Layout at best is terrible especially if you transfer to the inter island airlines.
Best part is even though you clear plant customs and airport security on the inter island AND check your bags through your destination, you still have to go through plant customs and security AGAIN!
I was talking about plane spotting-which is all I realy care about. (Who cares if I don’t eat for 8 hours! I’m having the time of my life watching planes.). From a non-aviation minded person, HNL is terrible.
I agree with you on what you said.
Who did you fly with, Northwest?
My ride. N593NW as NWA0096. Later, we’d be delayed b/c our long-range radios didn’t work. So we ended up getting into Seattle at 7:18AM instead of 5AM.

Who did you fly with, Northwest?
Delta was the airline of choice. Going was great, 40 minute layover to Houston, nonstop from Houston to HNL. Coming back, the once in 50 years freezing rain in Houston made a 1 hour layover turn into 11. At least Delta had enough sense to bring in a bigger plane to accomodate the extra passengers bumped from earlier flights.
Other then watching planes taxiing to and from in HNL, I didn’t find any place to watch planes take off or land in the open air sections of the airport.

Other then watching planes taxiing to and from in HNL, I didn’t find any place to watch planes take off or land in the open air sections of the airport.
The CO/ATA/UA gates have a view of a runway. I think it’s 8L but I’m not sure since I was there at night.
Ohh! Well if it’s spotting you’re talking about, I love KBFI. I like to park in the area just south of the control tower. You are really close to the action.
I really appreciate the wide variety of traffic. Business jets, general aviation, 737s with no paint, 737s with all the paint, UPS/ABX/ATN cargo jets, occasional milair, traffic copters, police copters, VIPs, etc. 747s to FA-18s to biplanes, all mixing it up together.
If you see a big guy there in a beat up Subaru parked and not taking pictures, that’s me. Say hi!
Post some pictures here…
Of those available, I’m a fan of MSP. However lately I’ve been flying from Kansas City, and it’s a great airport. It’s quite small, which makes it easy to manuever. My favorite of all though is MCO. It’s very nice, with lots of great scenary. There’s always planes coming in and going out, which makes good plane spotting. With all of the great shops, and nice terminals, it’s hard to beat.

What is the best airport? There have been other forums on this but they seem to be about people’s favorite and not the BEST. The poll has airports I have heard about that are some of the better ones?
My favorites are always THE best!